Sunday 24 November 2013

Study Reveals Why Kids Need Father and Mother, Not Father and Father

According to a new study by Canadian economist Douglas Allen, children who are raised in the traditional household with married parents of the opposite sex, have more chance of graduating from high school than any other group of children.
Unlike other research, Allen evaluated data from the Canadian census which allows questions about the child’s parents, including if they are of the same-gender, married or living together. His findings were published in the journal, Review of the Economics of the Household.

The economist found that if a child lives with a lesbian couple, they only have about a 65% chance of graduating from high school when compared with a child who lives with married opposite sex parents.

Another surprising find in the study was that, of the boys and girls who lived with parents who were either lesbians or gay men, the boys seemed to fare better in school than the girls did.
Since gay couples in Canada have been receiving the same benefits that same-gender couples have had since 1997 and they were allowed to legally marry each other in 2005, the Canadian study cannot be dismissed on the grounds of discrimination, unlike so many other American studies.
This means that the study more fairly compared children living with same-gender and opposite-gender couples on an equal footing. The study also included children living with parents who were cohabiting or living with one parent alone.

According to the study, the children with the highest success of graduation from high school were those who were living with married parents of the opposite gender.
This was followed by children who were living with parents who were either: cohabiting with one another, gay men and single parents of either gender.
However, the bottom of the list, in terms of graduating from high school, were children who were living with parents who were lesbian couples, either legally married or not.
Another surprising fact to come out of the study was that boys who lived with gay men as parents did worse in school than if they lived with lesbian parents. The study found that the opposite was true for girls.

Maybe there’s some benefit to children who live in a household that believes in the old fashioned practice of a man and a woman being married to one another and raising their children in the traditional way after all.
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