Friday 22 November 2013


Oily skin can be super frustrating.
 Unfortunately, here’s some not-so-fair news about your complexion:
The oiliness of it is determined by genetics, says Joshua Zeichner, M.D.,
A dermatologist and director of cosmetic and clinical research at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. And, well, you know: Genes aren’t tweak-able. The good news? "We certainly can try to minimize factors that can lead to an increase in oil production," says Zeichner.

First Up: What Causes Oil Flare-ups
Your Menstrual Cycle
Not so surprising, right? "Every month your body is going through a regular cycle of hormone production," says Zeichner, "and as those hormones wax and wane, they can stimulate your oil glands." So that explains those pre-period acne bouts!
We’re talking both the emotional and the physical kind, says Zeichner. Stress incites your "fight-or-flight response," he explains, and when you choose to get your fight on, "that can lead to an increase in production of oil from your oil glands because of that hormonal surge."
The Weather
Zeichner says that, to his knowledge, there isn’t a difference in your sweat glands’ activity from season to season, "but certainly in the warmer, more humid weather the oil is more bothersome." One point for wintertime!
Blockage-Inducing Cosmetics
Super-heavy makeup can trap the oil and exacerbate a breakout situation, says Zeichner. The same goes for your cell phone and keeping your hands on your face. (Yet another reason to quit touching your face!)

Second: What You Can Do About It
Get the Right Cleanser
Foaming cleansers are good for getting rid of oil, says Zeichner. One option: Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Control Foam Wash. And if you need even more help than that, Zeichner suggests a cleanser with salicylic acid, like Neutrogena’s Pink Grapefruit Oil-Free Acne Wash.

Try Clay Masks
This kind of mask contains kaolin—the ingredient in clay that absorbs oil and helps soothe skin, says Zeichner. He says using a clay mask—such as SkinCeuticals Clarifying Clay Masque—once a week can calm your face and remove excess oil.

Test Out a Primer
Mattifying primers have ingredients that help absorb oil and scale down the shine, says Zeichner. An example: Avène Mattifying Fluid.

Buy Some Blotting Papers
These guys can absorb oil on the go.
Talk to Your Derm
If you’re struggling with oily skin, and follow what your dermatologist recommends .

You are also free to make your comment and ask your question.

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