Friday 29 November 2013


     Sad_man : Young man tired and looking at the window

1. Thinking She is Having Orgasms When She Isn't
You may think that your lover is having multiple orgasms (or even AN orgasm) when she is not. She may make a bunch of noises, get really wet, and even TELL YOU she is cumming. But is she really?
Grab a Cosmopolitan sometime and look at how many articles and comments on faking orgasms. I'm not saying that YOUR GIRL is faking orgasms EVERY TIME but... chances are there have been a few episodes of love making where she was CRAVING something other than what you were doing.
When this happens women just want it to be over and encourage you to cum. It doesn't mean you are awful in bed; just that being a mind blowing lover EVERY TIME takes some specialized knowledge.
If you are giving your girl orgasms (and absolutely 100% sure of it) then congratulations! You're one of the few guys who is ACTUALLY pleasing a woman REALLY WELL. But if you're not, it is crucial that you learn how...

2. Not Giving Her Enough "Foreplay"
If you still think of "foreplay" as the activity before sex you need a quick mindset adjustment to change how much time you spend on foreplay.
Here's a hint: Women consider foreplay as PART of the sex. NOT as a separate thing!
Here's why:
While a man is not capable of having a foreplay orgasm AND another orgasm right away when he penetrates his girl, WOMEN CAN!
Imagine if you could have orgasms during foreplay AND never lose your erection even the slightest and keep having orgasms as you penetrated your girl. You'd want to spend A LOT of time in foreplay too, right?
Well your girl CAN have foreplay orgasms AND penetration orgasms so she DOES want to spend a lot of time in foreplay. As she should!
As a rule of thumb, spend at least the same amount of time on foreplay as penetration and you can always spend EVEN MORE time in foreplay. You can never get her too turned on and it will only make the penetration better when you are finally inside of her.

3. Forgetting To Be A MAN
Ask any 100 women off of the street and 99 of them will tell you that they want a man that TAKES CONTROL.
That said, she wants YOU to call the shots!
Yes you read that right. Your girl DOES want you to take control in the bedroom, to flip her around and do her doggy style without asking, and to do what YOU want!
Women are programmed to respond to strong, authoritative, confident men. It signifies that you are a protector, a leader, and a suitable mate.
Sure, it's OK to ask her if she is enjoying something... but this is mostly reserved to specific technique when you are "going down". Save the talk about actual positions she liked for AFTER you are done.
Now don't get me wrong - you are not making her a slave here but rather leading with authority and masculine strength. Once you start doing this you will be able to do many things with her in the bedroom that she earlier would not do. Many guys often think she is just uptight and her not being sexual if she doesn't want to do something... when in reality she just needs you to be a man and guide her with your strength. You'll be amazed at just how powerfully she responds!

4. Mistaking Her Moody-sens For NORMAL Behavior
It's no secret that women are a LOT moodier than us men.
But if you're in a relationship with a woman and she seems to keep getting more and more moody over time... this is often because she isn't getting what she needs in the bedroom.
As we talked about before... while women aren't usually as sexually aggressive as men, they do love and NEED sex just as much!
But here's the thing... if you're not giving her orgasms... then sex does her no good!
Can you imagine jerking off but you could NEVER orgasm? You'd begin to enjoy it less and less each time. Eventually you'd get so frustrated by the inability to "finish" that it was just easier to avoid it COMPLETELY!
So If you can't give her orgasms why WOULD she want to have sex with you?

If your girl is not wanting to have sex with you as much as you want then this is EXACTLY what has happened for her.
In the beginning, she may have tolerated sex because she was really into you. Now that you have been together for a long time and sex isn't satisfying for her it is more fulfilling to get herself off when you're not around. This leads to only having sex with you on special occasions... or when she feels obligated (like if a guy bought her a fancy dinner or some sort of gift.)
If you recognize any of these signs it's time to step up your sex game NOW before the sex drought gets even worse.
And when you do, you'll discover that when you are completely rocking her world in bed, not only is she in a better mood on a day-to-day basis... but SHE'LL start initiating sex with YOU!
A close friend of mine who is some what of a love-making expert himself told me something that I didn't' believe at the time... but I now KNOW to be 100% true:


When I heard this I thought he was totally full of it... but as my own lovemaking skills improved and then I heard about the success other guys were having, I realized this is completely true. Women are biologically "made" to be child bearers and select the highest value man to have a child with. Don't you think that the ability to give amazing sex is one of the highest values a man can have? Especially since so few men actually are REALLY GOOD.
If your girlfriend or wife is often starting arguments, not wanting sex, or acting "distant" in some way it is time to stop blaming her.
Re-examine your sexual ability because the real culprit is inadequate sexual pleasure.

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