Tuesday 26 November 2013


You Would Rather Hang With Friends

You love your group of friends and see them as much as possible. If you don't feel the need to change the way you interact socially with other people, a significant other might complicate things. Consider this, the time you spend with your friends will now be split among your new partner, and his/her friends. You might only see your buds a 1/3 of the time you did before. Are you ready for that?

It's All About You

Sometimes the best thing for your future relationship is that present day you focuses on itself. Sure, you may be out of college, but are you actually in the "real world" yet? Are you happy with your life, or are you hoping a relationship will fix that for you? If so, you're not ready. Be fair to your next bf and only put yourself out there when you know you're ready.

Career First

Whether you're in college or just out of grad school, it's paramount that you keep focus on your goals and ambitions. If you're not where you want to be yet, or at the very least on that path, you're not your best you. Obviously, success is relative, but you'll know what's right for you.

Playing The Field

Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps you're not ready to pick just one? This is a completely fair, and all to often never asked question. But if you're not ready to settle down, take this time to date around and figure out what it is you are looking for.

Move Around As You Please

One of the less hyped benefits of single life is the ability to move around whenever you like. Whether you're looking to relocate apartments, or states, this is all 100% up to you. If your job takes you somewhere else, you can pick up and go without hesitation. This is something you'll appreciate later on in life.

Keep Your Routine

If you're accustomed to doing things a certain way, you'll probably want to continue that trend. From what side of the bed you sleep on, to the time you have dinner at, these are all things that are seemingly unimportant, but still relevant to how you live your life. Unless you're ready to make some big compromises, a relationship is not for you.

Love Hurts

Lets be honest, for every happy couple in love, there are two people elsewhere miserably heartbroken. But that's how love works, it's high risk, high reward. We're not saying it's not worth the reward, simply that you should be prepared for the risk as well. It's not all rainbows and kisses.

Save Money First

Being in love is expensive. Not only are you obliged to do "stuff", but it's harder to do the things you normally do to save a few bucks. Do you really want to have your bf over for a ramen date? How many times can you woo him with your famous generic sauce pasta? Surely you wont just expect him to pick up the bill, at least you shouldn't. Use these formative years as an opportunity to save up for whatever you do later on in life.

What About Some "me" Time?

From bubble baths, to pigging out on pizza while watching Golden Girls in bed, we all have our sacred rituals we can only enjoy alone. Consider this, when you finally settle down with Mr./Mrs. Right, your alone time will slowly decrease, culminating in the eventual replacement by family time. Enjoy it while it lasts.

It's Just Not For You

Finally, you may just wake up one day and realize that no matter how much you've been told differently, relationships are not for everyone, and certainly not for you. Maybe our role as human beings is evolving. With the world's over population, is it really so bad if not everyone procreates? Maybe single life is simply a new form of commitment. Perhaps in this brave new world, one can commit to happiness, self-love, and independence, without the fear of judgement.


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