Saturday 30 November 2013


Before you cheat , remember the following :
The world is full of sexy women , and all of us have felt the urge to stray, even just for one night. Here's why staying faithful pays off, for your relationship and for your sex life this is Riri speaking from experience.

POINT 1: When presented with the ideal cheating scenario, that is, if a flying saucer lands in the cornfield where you happen to be standing and a female alien of sinus-clearing hotness slithers down the ramp and declares that she wants to come in peace a minimum of four times in the next hour, and you take her up on it because you know no one will ever find out, no one must ever find out.
POINT 2: Someone will always find out.

POINT 3: If you get caught, the law is on your wife's side. And you won't lose just half of your stuff. The other half, the golf clubs, the surround sound, the Armani will be destroyed in a spectacular driveway bonfire as every angry woman you know toasts marshmallows shaped like your testicles.

POINT 4: And if you're not married? Your longtime girl is bound by no law.

POINT 5: Or, to paraphrase Neil Simon, do to yourself what you would otherwise do unto others.

POINT 6: If a woman who knows you're spoken for comes on to you, it's flattering. It's tempting. But remember that she's doing it to feed her own ego, not yours. She wants to see how much power she holds over you. And if you take her bait, she then knows she must be superior in every way to your sweetie. Deep down, she has nothing but contempt for both your male weakness and your mate's existence. That should really piss you off.
POINT 7: According to the Shari'a, the laws of ancient Islam, adulterers must be stoned to death. Before you say, "Dude, cool," we mean with rocks. In these parts, that's what will happen to your good name. Friends you made while you were a couple will disappear. Friends you had as a single guy are long gone. That leaves you with the hard drinkers.

POINT 8: You're about to be with the kind of woman who wants to be with the kind of man who would cheat on a woman.

POINT 9: Channel all temptation toward the girl you left at home. Example: When out for a night with the boys, go to Hooters, not a strip club or roadhouse. Hooters girls are the unsung heroines of relationship therapy, gorgeous, chatty, and so untouchable that you always go home hungry. Your girl has no idea her sex life will improve tenfold when you get there.

POINT10: At the office party, pretend the co-worker who's flirting with you has gonorrhea.

POINT11: If your ex calls, enjoy a pleasant 5-minute conversation. Then tell her your wife's on the other line.

POINT 12: Treat your temptation as a cage match. Defeating that treacherous organ between your legs is the ultimate triumph of man over nature. It's you versus your penis. He's up for the challenge. Are you?
I know it is not easy, but you can do it.


- Mens Health


Olusegun Obasanjo was actually handsome during the civil war in Anambra state Nigeria,  But if you think other wise, the floor is open for your comment.

Friday 29 November 2013

WHATTT ? ? ? ? 3 Kids With My Wife Are Not Mine After 20-Years of Marriage – Odartey Lamptey

  Mrs. Lamptey
Former Ghanaian international football star, Nii Odartey Lamptey has shockingly revealed to R.E that he thought his three daughters were his biological children until a DNA test proved otherwise.

“...I thought they were my children but upon a DNA test, I got know that they are not my biological children,” the former Aston Villa star disclosed.

“The issue is in court... it is a legal issue I don’t want to go into now....but I am 100% sure that the children are not mine after 20-years.

“We had five children but two passed away so it is left with only 3,” he confirmed to R.E.

Further reports reaching R.E also indicates that the ex-footballer’s wife called Gloria is now claiming that Odartey Lamptey is sterile and that it was her husband who opted for an artificial insemination.

Meanwhile, a suit for divorce has been filed by Gloria according to the current assistant manager of Sekondi Wise Fighters.

He was hailed as the new Pelé and age limit rules in Belgium were changed to allow him to debut at the age of 16 for Anderlecht. Lamptey signed his first contract at Anderlecht when he was 16, becoming the youngest-ever player to feature in the Belgian league.


     Sad_man : Young man tired and looking at the window

1. Thinking She is Having Orgasms When She Isn't
You may think that your lover is having multiple orgasms (or even AN orgasm) when she is not. She may make a bunch of noises, get really wet, and even TELL YOU she is cumming. But is she really?
Grab a Cosmopolitan sometime and look at how many articles and comments on faking orgasms. I'm not saying that YOUR GIRL is faking orgasms EVERY TIME but... chances are there have been a few episodes of love making where she was CRAVING something other than what you were doing.
When this happens women just want it to be over and encourage you to cum. It doesn't mean you are awful in bed; just that being a mind blowing lover EVERY TIME takes some specialized knowledge.
If you are giving your girl orgasms (and absolutely 100% sure of it) then congratulations! You're one of the few guys who is ACTUALLY pleasing a woman REALLY WELL. But if you're not, it is crucial that you learn how...

2. Not Giving Her Enough "Foreplay"
If you still think of "foreplay" as the activity before sex you need a quick mindset adjustment to change how much time you spend on foreplay.
Here's a hint: Women consider foreplay as PART of the sex. NOT as a separate thing!
Here's why:
While a man is not capable of having a foreplay orgasm AND another orgasm right away when he penetrates his girl, WOMEN CAN!
Imagine if you could have orgasms during foreplay AND never lose your erection even the slightest and keep having orgasms as you penetrated your girl. You'd want to spend A LOT of time in foreplay too, right?
Well your girl CAN have foreplay orgasms AND penetration orgasms so she DOES want to spend a lot of time in foreplay. As she should!
As a rule of thumb, spend at least the same amount of time on foreplay as penetration and you can always spend EVEN MORE time in foreplay. You can never get her too turned on and it will only make the penetration better when you are finally inside of her.

3. Forgetting To Be A MAN
Ask any 100 women off of the street and 99 of them will tell you that they want a man that TAKES CONTROL.
That said, she wants YOU to call the shots!
Yes you read that right. Your girl DOES want you to take control in the bedroom, to flip her around and do her doggy style without asking, and to do what YOU want!
Women are programmed to respond to strong, authoritative, confident men. It signifies that you are a protector, a leader, and a suitable mate.
Sure, it's OK to ask her if she is enjoying something... but this is mostly reserved to specific technique when you are "going down". Save the talk about actual positions she liked for AFTER you are done.
Now don't get me wrong - you are not making her a slave here but rather leading with authority and masculine strength. Once you start doing this you will be able to do many things with her in the bedroom that she earlier would not do. Many guys often think she is just uptight and her not being sexual if she doesn't want to do something... when in reality she just needs you to be a man and guide her with your strength. You'll be amazed at just how powerfully she responds!

4. Mistaking Her Moody-sens For NORMAL Behavior
It's no secret that women are a LOT moodier than us men.
But if you're in a relationship with a woman and she seems to keep getting more and more moody over time... this is often because she isn't getting what she needs in the bedroom.
As we talked about before... while women aren't usually as sexually aggressive as men, they do love and NEED sex just as much!
But here's the thing... if you're not giving her orgasms... then sex does her no good!
Can you imagine jerking off but you could NEVER orgasm? You'd begin to enjoy it less and less each time. Eventually you'd get so frustrated by the inability to "finish" that it was just easier to avoid it COMPLETELY!
So If you can't give her orgasms why WOULD she want to have sex with you?

If your girl is not wanting to have sex with you as much as you want then this is EXACTLY what has happened for her.
In the beginning, she may have tolerated sex because she was really into you. Now that you have been together for a long time and sex isn't satisfying for her it is more fulfilling to get herself off when you're not around. This leads to only having sex with you on special occasions... or when she feels obligated (like if a guy bought her a fancy dinner or some sort of gift.)
If you recognize any of these signs it's time to step up your sex game NOW before the sex drought gets even worse.
And when you do, you'll discover that when you are completely rocking her world in bed, not only is she in a better mood on a day-to-day basis... but SHE'LL start initiating sex with YOU!
A close friend of mine who is some what of a love-making expert himself told me something that I didn't' believe at the time... but I now KNOW to be 100% true:


When I heard this I thought he was totally full of it... but as my own lovemaking skills improved and then I heard about the success other guys were having, I realized this is completely true. Women are biologically "made" to be child bearers and select the highest value man to have a child with. Don't you think that the ability to give amazing sex is one of the highest values a man can have? Especially since so few men actually are REALLY GOOD.
If your girlfriend or wife is often starting arguments, not wanting sex, or acting "distant" in some way it is time to stop blaming her.
Re-examine your sexual ability because the real culprit is inadequate sexual pleasure.

You Will Only Worsen The Situation – ASUU Replies FG

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has replied the federal government over its threat to sack university lecturers if they fail to call off its ongoing strike.

According to the striking lecturers, the threat would not only fail but will worsen the situation, hence “another long path to making the strike linger more than necessary.”

The ASUU National Treasurer, Dr. Ademola Aremu, while responding to the government’s directive, said the threat does not hold waters as it has confirmed the fears that the federal government cannot be trusted.

He said, “With the latest action, the federal government has shown that they are not committed to all they have been saying. We are saying that since we agreed at the meeting that the sum of 200 billion Naira is for 2012 and 2013 revitalization, the federal government should deposit same in the Central Bank of Nigerian. We are already in November and December is around the corner. If they don’t do that now, when do they want to do it? We are saying that the non-victimization clause should be included as agreed while the renegotiation of the 2009 agreement should be included as agreed with the presidents”.

“It is a pity if the federal government is not willing to perfect the resolutions reached with the union. This is why we find it difficult to trust our leaders by their words. How can someone be threatening to sack lecturers when universities are already short-staffed by almost 60,000. We are not in the military era. The military tried it and failed. This one will fail again.

“They can re-open the school. ASUU did not shutdown the universities. It was the management of the schools that ordered the students to go back home.”

READ 5 Things Your Mom Never Told You about Sex

 Here are some things mum over look, while some mother forget to inform or teach there children the following :
1. Timing > Love
It's possible your mother imparted on you the infamous "timing is everything" wisdom, but it's more possible she opted for the far more optimistic: "love conquers all". The fact is, the first one is true, and the second one isn't. There will be people you'll love in your life, who'll also love you, but that doesn't mean they're the "forever" ones. That may be life's biggest lesson: love isn't always enough. And what's more frustrating, you can be extremely compatible with this person, and everything seems so easy like you've always heard it should be — but if someone's not ready to move forward, they just won't. It's like a boulder, you can't move it on your own and you'll exhaust yourself trying, not to mention waste your time. Still, there is a sliver lining: these same people serve a significant purpose in your life, and more importantly, help both shape your character as well as make you realize what you want and need in a partner.

2. Don't, Um, Suck In Bed
Well, my mom actually did tell me this, in a somewhat round about way, but it was so shocking I'm convinced this isn't normal. When I was in high school, she received a wedding invitation in the mail, and informed me the two people getting married were both virgins; then said this verbatim: "Can you imagine? Talk about missionary position forever." It's only now, more than 10 years later, I realize what she really meant was: don't be afraid to experiment a little before locking it down, and especially with your current significant other. 

3. Sex Spells, They're A Thing
What is a sex spell, you ask? It's an unexplainable desire and pull towards someone you'd likely never even be in a serious relationship with, but you're both completely infatuated and bonded to despite little to no rational reason. This doesn't always have to equal great sex (though it almost always does), there's just a natural, almost unshakable attraction. And here's the real kicker your mother would never own up to: a true one can be harder to find, and at certain times in your life even more fulfilling, than love.

4. Good-On-Paper-Guys Are Often The Ones. You Need To Watch Out For You've heard of sociopaths, right? Well, it basically goes like this: that guy your mom's best friend wants to set you up with — the one who's on the partner track at his finance firm, comes from a great family, and compliments your mom's even dubious fashion choices —yeah, well, he could be a big fat shady liar. Inside tip: beware the collection of white lies, those can actually be more character defining than one whopper.

5. A One-Night-Stand Doesn't Always Equal Doom
Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily condoning these.
But there are times when getting caught up in the moment makes you feel alive, and can be exactly what we need (just be safe!). While I'm grateful my mom scared the Jesus out of me when it came to sex, as it's prohibited me from making a multitude of careless choices, I've realized as an adult you shouldn't beat yourself up if you act on said moments; what's important is that it's a moment you want to act on. Because who knows, maybe there's a reason you did.

Fact: I've known marriages that have resulted out of a one-night-stand. Sorry Mom.

Check out 10 Things To Do To Impress Your Wife

If you love your wife or you are in a committed relationship and want to have a good relationship with her, then here is a list of ten things a man should do for his wife all the time in order to not only promote harmony and happiness but to show her you truly do love her.

1  Talk to her: One of the things women really want from their men is for him to talk to her. What this means is that she wants meaningful conversion with you. Tell her how you're doing; your hopes and dreams. Tell her what you're thinking about when she's not around. Tell her about what's on your mind, and listen to her when she responds.

2 Touch her without expecting more: Women like to feel like they are more than a receptacle for your desire. If you want her to know you love her for more than what she can provide, touch her in gentle ways. Rub her back or feet. Caress her cheek. Things like that.

3  Open doors for her: Show her you not only love her, but cherish her as well by opening the car door for her before getting in yourself. Open the door at home for her too. Help her with her coat when she comes home. Get her chair for her when she sits down for dinner. All those corny things men used to do in movies. Do it and she'll see you mean it when you tell her you love her.

4  Compliment her: Tell her how nice she looks. Or smells. Tell her what a great job she's done with dinner or in helping you with some errand. Tell her how important she is to you and how your life wouldn't be nearly as sweet were she not there to share it with you. Whenever she's done something well or special, tell her so she'll know you've noticed and appreciate what she's done.

5  Cook for her: You might be the kind of guy that cooks for her all the time or you're probably not. So, occasionally cook an entire meal for her while she relaxes in the tub or in another room. Set the table, cook the meal and then clean up afterward. She'll love that.

6 Tell her you love her: Most people don't tell the people they love often enough how much the other means to them. Break that tradition. If you truly do love her, tell her you love her at least once every single day. More is even better.

7  Help her: When you marry someone, you're agreeing to be with them through thick and thin. For better or worse. While generally people see that as being there through the hard times, it also means being there and helping with the small things. Like running errands, or reaching for something on the top shelf. Or buying her a stool for when you're not around. It means helping with the cleaning and the maintenance of the home. When you help her, you're making your life a team effort, and this is what builds strong bonds between couples.

8  Do things with her: Quite often as time passes, couples begin to find more and more things that they like to do individually which leaves less time and energy for doing things together. Keep that from happening by choosing to make doing things together a priority. Go to the grocery store with her, or Christmas shopping. Find things you both enjoy doing for fun and do them. Make your life feel like you're both in it together no matter what is going on.

9  Let her make her own decisions: A lot of times men have a way of seeing things and come to decide that their way is right and any other wrong. This can result in men taking over a lot of the decision-making that goes on in the home. Fight this. If you make decisions without consulting your wife, you're silently telling her that her opinion doesn't matter to you, which generally leads to a loss of closeness between couples.

10  Be dependable: Most women have a need to feel like they can count on their men to come through for them when they need it. To ensure that your girl feels this way about you, be dependable in the small things. Be where you say you will be, when you say you will be. And if you say you are going to do something, do it. Don't let things slip away. It's the small things in life that add up to someone being considered dependable


If you feel that your boyfriend is not that much indulged in you relationships any more, here are the signs which will help you to confirm your fears.

1. He doesn’t pamper you with gifts anymore

In the early phase boys pamper their beloved with gifts and various tokens of love, without any reason. If your boyfriend has stopped giving you gifts and is not pampering you anymore with little knick knacks, it could be a bad sign that he is taking you for granted.

2. He forgets your birthday

It is a well-known fact that men are not good at remembering dates. But your birthday is one day of the year that you should expect your boyfriend to remember. If he has forgotten this date more than once, it is an obvious sign that his mind is occupied with something more important. No matter how much he apologizes, the fact that he has forgotten your birthday more than once is enough to tell you that he is drifting away.

3. His spends nights out more often than he dates with you

Does your boyfriend hang out with his friends way more than he does with you? Has he ever canceled a date with you just because he wanted to spend time with his friends? If he has, you should understand that he is losing interest in the relationship. 

4. He looses his temper for no reason

Of course, every couple has fights and arguments occasionally. But if your boyfriend is losing his temper on silly matters on a daily basis for no reason, it could be an alarming situation. Maybe he is deliberately creating rifts between you both. Or he may also be losing his temper out of frustration of being stuck in a relationship in which he is not interested anymore. 
5. He starts using ‘I’ instead of ‘we’

Couples who are in love with each other usually plan their future together. They tend to use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ because they think about their life as a couple, not as individuals. If he started talking in first person of his feelings towards you, it could mean that he is already thinking only about himself, because he has lost interest in the relationship.
6. He seems generally uninterested and aloof

Little things and minute behavioral traits are enough to let you know whether he has any interest in your relationship or not. Compare your boyfriend's behavior to that one a few months back. If you find that he seems a lot more disinterested and aloof than before, he might have fallen out of love with you.

- The Herald

Thursday 28 November 2013


The acting Minister of Education, Nyesom Wike during a press briefing in Abuja this morning told journalist that the Federal Government has given the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) one week ultimatum to call off the ongoing strike saying No more strike.
Now what we are waiting to hear is if he will agree or will decide to continue the strike until their request is granted.
Am sure students will be happy to go back to the school.


 Angelo Explains Why He Ended His Relationship With Beverly Osu

Over the past few days in October 2013, rumors have circulated on the internet that BBA love birds Angelo Collins & Beverly Osu may have ended their relationship. 37-year old Angelo, who had one of the most sexual relationships during the reality show with Beverly, explained on Facebook why he had to end the relationship.
He wrote,
I love u guys even the ones that hate…right now I need clarity…not chaos & scrutiny,I need to focus on what’s important, my youth development programs and my family,I don’t think I should be in a relationship right now it overshadows what I really wanna do,I hope u guys can respect me for my decision*thanks to everyone that supported me
Beverly & Angelo were seen together last at her birthday party, where the dreaded South African came with other former housemates to celebrate in Nigeria.
So this time around , she has found another love in Bimp.
I can't say i am surprised on this one. So the gist is that the BBA contestants are in a serious relationship and are both having nice time in their lekki house.  R .E wishes them good luck.

MUSICIAN IN TROUBLE.. Eritrea's 'Bob Marley' moment ?

A screen grab from the Eritrean video that has had more than 100,000 views
A musician from tiny Eritrea has caused a stir on YouTube, with a protest song that appears to criticize the government of President Isaias Afewerki. 

Eritrea is the kind of a place where protest songs don't go viral every day. It is one of Africa's smallest and most tightly-controlled states. Yet a track named Hadnetna (or "Our Unity") now has over 100,000 clicks. The artist behind the track is Yohannes "Wedi" Tikabo, and while his song sounds gentle and lilting, his words are not.

"It isn't a secret that two generations of youngsters have perished," he sings. The lyrics also appeal to the memory of the struggle for independence, known as "Ghedli". The song has been widely interpreted as being a criticism of President Isaias, who has been in power for 20 years and whose government is regularly rated at the bottom of international tables for its record on human rights.
One of those commenting on YouTube calls him the "Bob Marley of Eritrea" and "the voice of the people".

 Another writes: "If this does not wake our people, I really don't know what will."
Yohannes is well-known in Eritrea, but what makes this video all the more surprising is that he was once more famous as a nationalist. His songs were widely used as an inspiration for Eritrean troops during the two-year border war with Ethiopia, but he recently joined the thousands of Eritreans who flee the country every year. The BBC has not been able to reach him for a comment.
Activists are delighted. "Music has always been a mass mobilizer in Eritrea - before and after independence," says Sennai F of the opposition Youth Solidarity for Change movement. Yet internet usage is very low in Eritrea - only 6% according to one estimate - and where there is internet, it tends to be slow and unreliable - meaning the vast majority of those listening are probably Eritreans living outside the country. But the diaspora has found ways to get the song into in Eritrea, according to activists, via the Paris-based Radio Erena. Feel free to make your comment.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

CAN THIS BE TRUE ? Ghana is becoming AIDS-free

A new report by a South Africa-based campaign and advocacy organization, One Campaign, has revealed that Ghana is on track towards becoming an HIV/AIDS-free country, thanks to the various interventions made by successive governments since 2002.

According to the ONE CAMPAIGN 2013 AIDS Report, dubbed 'beginning of the end of AIDS', between 2002 and the end of 2012, new HIV infections fell from 26,000 to 8,000 - representing 70%, while the adult prevalence rate also dropped from 2.21% to 1.3%.

At the same time, the number of people newly added to AIDS treatment increased from virtually zero in 2002, to 2,300 in 2005, and 15,000 by 2012. In that year, the report noted, 58% of people eligible for treatment were receiving it.

But the report was quick to add that the country had been comparatively slow in scaling up its Anti-Retro viral (ARV) treatment.

The report, released late last week, puts the country's AIDS ratio of people newly infected, to people newly added to treatment above nine in 2005, to below the tipping point of 0.52 in 2012.

"Ghana has improved this ratio significantly in recent years, cutting it nearly four-fold in just the last three years, down from a ratio of 1.9 in 2009," the report noted.

One Campaign defines the 'beginning of the end of AIDS' at a time when the total number of new HIV infections is lower than the number of patients newly receiving AIDS treatment in the same year.

The report noted that in 2013, Ghana emerged as the country that had achieved the greatest percentage reduction in new pediatric HIV infections - down an impressive 76% since 2009. It argued that should the level of progress be sustained, the country would "achieve the goal of virtual elimination before 2015."

The report attributed the huge success made by the country to high levels of domestic financing for health programmes, and commended successive governments for their commitment towards the fight against HIV/AIDS.

"This level of success has been made possible by the government's high level of commitment to fighting AIDS."

Ghana's highest political leadership continues to be vocal about the epidemic, with President John Dramani Mahama actively promoting the fight against AIDS, both as President and Vice-President, through published articles, updates to Parliament on the status of Ghana's AIDS epidemic, and speeches to the Ghanaian people.

"National AIDS planning efforts have also been strong for more than a decade," the report acknowledged the political will of the Ghanaian Government.

In 2002, the government established the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC) as the coordinating body of the national response for HIV/AIDS, bringing together key stakeholders, including representatives of ministries, the private sector, religious leaders, civil society, and people living with HIV.

One of the GAC's key roles is to develop the National Strategic Framework on HIV/AIDS; the first of these, developed soon after the Commission's formation, outlined clear targets on prevention, care and support, creating an enabling environment, and quantitative targets that were then expanded upon in the second and third national strategic plans (2006-10 and 2011-15 respectively).

The GAC's large-scale "Know Your Status" campaigns have been particularly crucial in achieving almost universal awareness of HIV in Ghana (98% for women and 99% for men 16). One of the country's most impressive achievements has been a dramatic reduction in new child HIV infections.

To help drive this success, the country increased the number of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) centers eight-fold, between 2005 and 2011, which, in turn, increased the proportion of HIV-positive pregnant women receiving PMTCT treatment from 32% in 2009 to 95% in 2012.

However, despite the gains made in reducing HIV/AIDS infections, the country fell short in scaling up its ARV treatment, the report said.

According to the South Africa-based firm, the country's ARV coverage rate of 58% was lower than the sub-Saharan African average of 62.5% coverage. It also identified the country's low medical clinic-to-patient ratio of 0.1 physicians for every 1,000 people in 2010, as a challenge that hindered access to treatment.

Commenting on the way forward, One Campaign recommended the decentralizing of the country's HIV testing, care and treatment services, since that was critical to providing more people with life-saving AIDS treatment in the years to come, including those with CD4 counts above 350 cells/mm3.
