Thursday 27 February 2014

How to Eradicate Body Odor

Be sure to shower or bathe daily. Use proper body cleansing agents such as soap or shower gel. Wash everything completely especially your underarms.

Don't use antiperspirant/deodorant (except in cases of excessive sweating). It will actually end up making you smell worse than ever like the lady who tried it on her driver Stephen.  Not many people know this, but perspiration by itself has no odor at all. Underarm odor is caused by bacteria and their excrement. Soap and deodorant actually supply food for the bacteria and they excrete even more. This is easy to verify. Just wash your underarms with nothing but water and a clean cloth. Do this for a month. You will not smell at all. If it is too much sweating giving you trouble, then you should actually use an antiperspirant. This is because this product helps to cut down on your sweating.

 Change your clothes, including undergarments and socks, daily. Wash underwear (including bras and bucksers for men) after each use, and other clothes at least when they get dirty, sweaty, or when they do not smell clean. Socks and shoes may be changed 2-3 times per day if they get sweaty, and keeping feet dry can reduce odor and irritation.

Store your clothes in places where air can get to them and that smell nice. Consider scented paper as lining in your drawers i know some people uses newspaper . Hanging garments up may help more than storing them in drawers; it will let them dry and kill any bacteria that might be living there.

Wash your hands frequently, at least three or four times per day.  This is not a practice for kids alone, adults too keep to keep the hands and fingers always clean.

Adjust your diet/lifestyle. Body odor is directly linked to the waste products of your body's digestion. What you eat has a large effect on how you smell. If you eat bad quality, unhealthy food, your digestion will reflect that, and you will excrete those bad smells and stink to those around you. Try to avoid fast food, fried foods like pofpof, bons chin chin and so on, and any other processed foods that contain a lot of chemicals.

If you smoke, then you have to stop smoking. Everyone knows that smoking causes cigarette smell to attach to your clothing. It can also negatively affect the regulatory systems responsible for keeping odors in line. So consider  a sack letter today for Mr. Cigarette.
However, i have heard of potassium a couple of times, that when you bath with it, it helps . Although i am not sure of that.

Floss daily, preferably twice a day, and brush your teeth at least two times a day. Have professional cleaning at least two times a year. Body odor may also include halitosis, which is often a sign of gingivitis by this i mean a condition in which the gums around the teeth become painful, red and swollen

Consult your doctor if body odor is a permanent problem. You might be diagnosed with Bromhidrosis. It is often associated with changes of the hormone level (pubertal or climacteric period), diabetes, hidden inflammations, aligmentation changes or preponderance. The most common reason for people with body odor is excessive sweating. 

Always carry a bandana or hanky  - it is a useful item to carry when outdoors. Wipe the perspiration off yourself with the bandana or a damp bandana or even the hanky. After using paper towels, there might be tiny bits of the paper towel on your face, so if there is no mirror, wipe at your face to remove those possible specks. With gangs around, don't use a red or blue bandana.

Buy some of those canisters (similar to baby wipes) with the disposable cleaning sheets for some quick and easy freshening-up. What works just as well is a some paper towel, soaked with a little rubbing alcohol, in a zip lock bag. Spray in a little cologne in the bottle of rubbing alcohol and then you can use it and have a comfortable day. 

 If after doing all these above and you still have an unbearable body odor, then its from the village.


HARRY TUNE said...