Sunday 23 February 2014


 Pastor Kentuchy before now was famous for handling snakes during religious services, reasons i dont know why.
His congregation call him Jamie Coots a middle age man.
Pastor Coots was known as the star of National Geographic’s “Snake Salvation” reality series, which now made him followed that part of life spiritually.
 Now imagine he said that he and his followers believe that God calls upon them to handle venomous serpents and to drink other poisons. and that If it bits them , him and his parishioners should refuse medical treatment because they are to believe that their fate is in God’s hands. lobatan

Things went bad for this pastor during his usual church service when one of the snake bit him, the news got to the police and medical team , Police said they received a call about a snakebite injury around 8:30 from Coots’ church. Then when emergency responders arrived at the scene, Coots had already driven home about one to two miles from his church.

Police and medical personal then went to his home and found that Coots had been bitten on his hand. For another 40 minutes medical personal stayed with him and was trying to persuade him to go to the hospital for further medical attention or even submit to their first aid treatment.
This pastor refused because of his believe and eventually the emergency responders left. An hour after they left, another call was made from Coots’ home to say that the pastor had died. Emergency personal and the coroner was dispatched to the scene. Now his death is being treated as a non-criminal investigation because he practically killed himself, his spiritual power and believe has failed him.
Coot  deliberately expose himself to a mixture of toxic chemicals. 
What this tells us is that, particularly when looking at complex chemical mixtures, you can’t just assume toxicity because an individual chemical in the mixture may have a toxic effect. When you are exposed to a mixture, the individual chemicals may interact with each other, affecting metabolism and toxicity. I hope i am not confusing you ? You also have to consider that the dose of any individual chemical may be very low – below the level at which any toxic effect occurs. You can also get a reliable indication of toxicity by looking at the complete mixture – in the case of coffee drinking a couple of cups a day is safe for most people. So i personally believe that this pastor's believe and ideology is wrong. oh yes ! spiritual power failure.

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