Sunday 14 December 2014

I am a Cop, and I am Sorry

Article cover imageNone of us are perfect, but I think each of us can agree that until we accept the fact that we do not truly understand the point of view of the other person, we will never find a common ground to build on. One lesson I have learned from my wife is the value of a heartfelt apology. I used to believe that an apology was equal to admitting some kind of defeat. For a Marine and police officer, that is sometimes a difficult thing to do. During one of these arguments when I would refuse to apologize, she told me something that I have really grown to appreciate. She said, “an apology doesn’t always have to mean you did something wrong, it can simply mean that you are just sorry something has happened”.

As a cop I am truly sorry that people have been hurt and killed by the very people who have taken an oath to protect them. When one human kills another it is tragic. The purpose of this editorial is to not place blame, justify actions, or make claims on things I know little about. It is simply to tell all those, who mistrust law enforcement, that from someone who carries a badge, that I am sorry if you have every felt, intimidated, singled out, or mistreated because of the color of your skin, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, or a myriad of other things that make you different from me.

I am saddened to see the wedge that this issue has created. Media (social and traditional) is on fire with views that are more focused on dividing us then unifying us. They give the microphone to those who are the loudest instead of those who are the wisest. This has become a polarizing topic causing people to take sides. It seems at this point you either have to be pro-cop or anti-cop. If these are our only two options, then where will we be a year from now?

When people argue they clash. Every argument causes them to dig their heels deeper into the argument. Without some kind of intervention this can become highly emotional. So how do we navigate these troubled waters? I have found that until we find some kind of common ground (something we can all agree on) then we can’t move forward with finding a solution.
The same can be true for the current relationship between those who support law enforcement and those who mistrust it. Are there things we can all agree on?

None of us are perfect, but I think each of us can agree that until we accept the fact that we do not truly understand the point of view of the other person, we will never find a common ground to build on. If you hate cops then have coffee with one or go on a ride-along. If you are a cop frustrated with all the cop bashing lately, then attend a town hall meeting and listen to the frustration of the people within your community. This might not be the end all solution, but it is a start.
words from Daniel Cortes, PhD

Sunday 7 December 2014

Signs You're Dealing with a Groomzilla

Signs You're Dealing with a Groomzilla 

 In this world we are living  wedding planning there is a new beast 
making its way onto the scene. Its origins is just from the species known as the "bridezilla" and then this creature usually boasts more body hair, and fewer pairs of shoes. And the last time i checked , It's known to wildly screech phrases such as "cigar bar" and "groom's cake," and usually possesses a multitude of unfounded, passionate opinions. That's right, and it brings us to the word  Groomzilla.
Have you encountered one of these fascinating mammals? Are you perhaps engaged to one? Here are some telltale signs that yes, that man is in fact a Groomzilla.
1. He Won't Budge
This man wants basketball-themed centerpieces and he won't compromise. He understands that they completely clash with the established color scheme, but he doesn't care because it's the NBA finals.
2. He Offers Retroactive Opinions
The groomzilla is a unique breed in that he is likely to present no hint of opinions throughout the decision making process or planning process , yet he develops very passionate feelings about wedding elements when they're past the point of alteration. Frustration ensues for all parties.
3. He Pouts Over His Lack of Groom Showers
You may hear a Groomzilla mumble something to the effect of, "You get to open so many gifts, eeemmmm Men need underwear and cooking-ware too." not funny though !
4. He Demands Groom-Centric Activities
Despite the fact that the entire wedding is focused on the bride and groom, the Groomzilla will demand even more, man-dedicated attention in the form of cigar bars, groom's cakes, and whiskey tasting like all the grooms attention should be passed on to him. He is, in fact, the belle of the ball, and demands to be treated as such.
5. He Expects Perfection
The Groomzilla usually boasts a unique, warped sense of self-importance to himself  that will now cause him to believe his wedding is more important than the millions of other weddings taking place in this world . Consequently, he demands perfection — from vendors, his groomsmen, his DJ, and beyond.


Saturday 29 November 2014

Setting your boyfriend up ........DANGEROUS GAME

 Hi! My name is Lola.
I used my friend to set up my boyfriend to see if he'll cheat on me.
only gave Cassy his Blackberry PIN,
Now they've sent me a wedding IV. What am I ?

Any criticism you make will eventually be made against you. If you want to criticize others, be prepared to for them to scrutinize you. Judgement has a negative effect. The more you judge people the more you will be judged. You haven’t lived their life’s.
Be grateful, not arrogant for any abilities you may have that are better than someone else’s. A beautiful person becomes ugly when they put down those who are not like them. There is no one in this world who is not beautiful.

Lola does not believe or have faith in her boyfriend now she has been stepped upon , be wise these things happens everyday, don't be a victim.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Your Attitude is everything see how a 75-yr-old impregnates 13-yr old girl.

Your Attitude is Your Window to the World,
You're A Human Magnet; Make a Commitment and You'll Move Mountains,
Turn Your Problems into Opportunities; Your Words Blaze A Trail;
Stop Complaining; Associate with Positive People; Confront Your Fears and Grow.
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love;
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.
 CAN I SAY THIS OF MY COUNTRY? A country where a 75-yr-old impregnates a 13-yr old girl in Oyo and  says he's ready to marry her.
75 year old Pa Muse Alabi is now at the State Criminal Investigation Department of the Oyo State Police Command, for defilement of a 13-year-old girl allegedly committed by the old man, and which has resulted in pregnancy.
 It was said  that Pa Alabi was doing carpentry work for a lady that the victim was working for. The young girl seized the opportunity to tell Pa Alabi to build a safe for her. After giving her the safe, Pa Alabi now wooed the girl and she agreed to his proposal. After the first sexual intercourse they had he gave her N200. When she also demanded for a handset, he now gave her another N1,500 to buy i-tel phone.

Four days after, they made love again. Both times were in September this year. Pa Alabi admitted having sex with the girl and the paternity of the baby. He also agreed to marry her and take care of her and the baby when born. According to the man who lives at his family house at Oje area,
“I am a carpenter and I still work till the present time. I even take roofing jobs. I am very strong.I have two daughters and a son. My first wife gave birth to the female children but had to be taken away by her people when she developed mental illness. My second wife is the mother of the boy who is an SSS3 student but she has left for another man. Currently, I have no wife.” 
 So how does he satisfy his sexual needs when it looks as if he is very active?
“I don’t go looking for any woman. I usually have sex with any of the married women who like me and come to me for sex. This is not always though.”
 Speaking on how he came in contact with his victim, the elderly man said
: “I used to do carpentry work for her boss who sells tailoring materials. That was where I knew her. One day, she asked me to help her build a safe in which she could be keeping her money. When I finished it, I asked her to come to my shop for the safe late one evening and I gave it to her.
“She used to pass by my shop whenever she was going home and used to stop by to greet me. On a particular day, I expressed my interest in her and she promised to think about it.She later consented and on one of the days she stopped to say hello to me, we had sex when I had an urge. And it was mutual. About five days after the first time, we had sex again and she stopped coming.
“One day, she came to me and told me that her grandmother said she was pregnant. She stopped coming again and I didn’t see her again until policemen came to arrest me.”
When asked whether he knew that his action was in contravention of the law, Pa Muse replied that he didn’t know, describing the outcome of his relationship with the young girl as “an act of God”. He said:
 “Mistake has no master. I pray that God should forgive me.”
The suspect said he doesn’t use any sex performance enhancement drug before making love to a female
 “I don’t take any herbal drink for enhancement of sexual performance. They are alcoholic and I don’t take alcohol as a good Muslim. I observe my five-times-daily prayers faithfully.”
Pa Alabi said he was ready to take responsibility over the pregnant girl and the baby she is expecting.
 “I can take care of her adequately. I have a nephew who is a medical doctor and he has promised to help too,” he stated.
Your Attitude is Your Window to the World, i do not subscribe to Pa Alabi's ideology and the girl whom i don't see as victim has a long throat and wayward. parents should watch the kind of company their children keep and curtail their life style.

The Police Public Relations Officer, Olabisi Okuwobi-Ilobanafor however said that the suspect would be charged to court.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Reality or Impossible Dream? Effective Strategies for Achieving Success..........Rita aju

“…the more I look at my life as the fabric of my own choices, the easier it is to use all my energy to accomplish what I set out to do.”

How can you get into a sustainable mode of direct action without feeling like you have to torture yourself to get moving? What can you do to cross the barrier between merely thinking about what you want and actually making it happen? 

Do you believe that “having it all” is impossible? The desire to “have a life” outside MEDIA is driving increasing numbers of JOURNALIST to reconsider their careers. They are realizing that the more they trade off other meaningful aspects of life - relationships, significant interests, health - the emptier they feel so does other works of life.

You, too, may be realizing that even a big bank account doesn’t fill the void that results from ignoring other aspects of your life. And if you’re still trying to make your practice more lucrative, you probably wish you could do so without forfeiting your personal life.

1. Be Your Own Advocate
Advocate for yourself just like you will do for your clients.  
Do research, cite precedent, develop persuasive arguments, believe in your own rights and interests and prepare your best case, its not easy but we should try.

2. Be Bold in Taking on New Projects
I have noticed how some men i work with  eagerly accept assignments outside of their primary area of expertise. They simply assume they’ll fill in any information gaps as needed. 
 In the same vein the women is accept responsibilities without shivering or thinking of gender, The women “experts” of work/life balance follow the model of their male counterparts in this regard. So they are to accept opportunities and meet ethical responsibilities through research and consultation.

3. Say What You Can Do, Not What You Can’t
I know a Boss who says never say ' I AM SORRY ' but i will say to me , this is not correct.

When the “experts” of work/life balance know that they will not be able to meet a deadline at work because of a family commitment, they don’t say, “I’m sorry, I have to take my child to the doctor.” Instead, they reply, “I’d be happy to. I can get it to you by Monday. How will that be?” No apologies, no explanations - just a statement of what they can do.

4. Recognize the Inherent Gender Discrimination in Flexibility at the Expense of Career Advancement
According to Professor Joan Williams argues compellingly in her book, “Unbending Gender, ” (4) the “ideal worker norm” - i.e., i feel  someone who takes no time off for childbearing and childrearing, who works full time and puts in substantial overtime - is incompatible with women’s bodies and the fact that women still bear primary responsibility for childcare.

The women who “have it all” are unwilling to accept this norm and are willing to acknowledge that is discriminatory to be marginalized in a “mommy track.” They recognize that work/life balance is a political as well as a personal issue. These “experts” are involved with their local and national women’s bar associations. This enables them to recognize they are not alone, reduces their inclination to apologize for their determination to find professional success and a balanced life, and empowers them to work for institutional change.

5. Use Technology to Increase Your Availability
Many successful men have found that by using email, faxes and electronic research they are able to work from home. This allows them to be more available both at work and at home.
With this you will realize that you don't work more in the office.. But if you effectively set boundaries between work and home, this can prove an extremely useful strategy for you.

6. Know Your Own Worth
 I know one Adeola Babatunde Motivational speaker  who says if you dont blow your trumpet no one will do that for you. hmmmmm 
so in that case , You can’t persuade the powers that is to make efforts to retain you unless you believe you’re worth retaining. Take for example in the law firm .  Partners are notoriously stingy about providing positive feedback. Show work samples (deleting confidential information) to senior attorneys outside your firm. Let them affirm the excellence of your work and advise you on how to improve it. Talk to recruiters. Find out how marketable you are outside your firm. When you know there are other firms that would be eager to hire you, you can advocate for yourself with greater confidence that way you are near success.

RITA AJU encourages her self and friends

Everything we do in life is a choice.

And I think most of us realize that but what most people don’t seem to realize is that everything we don’t do in life is also a choice.

Every day we choose to do some things and to not do other things. Sometimes choosing not to do something is the wisest choice.

However, there is a huge difference between choosing not to do something and choosing to do nothing. Most people would like to change their life in one way or another.

 How about you? Are there areas of your life that you would like to change? What is stopping you? Anytime you want to, you can change your life, but just wanting to change is not enough. You must make a choice to change. Doing nothing and wishing things would change is the course most people choose. Consequently, nothing ever changes. I wish to start that change now . You too can begin a new....... I CARE .

Tuesday 24 June 2014

oops.... I am Ready to have s*x with Boko haram men to secure the release of Chibok Girls- Popular Actress Revealed


23 year old Actress, Adokiye who said she is a virgin is ready to give her virginity to Boko haram in exchange for the abducted girls..She told Showtime..

  In her voice “ This is 11pm in the night and do you know what I am thinking about? Those little girls, where they are and what could be happening to them. It is just unfair. They are too young. I wish I could offer myself in exchange.They are between 12 and15 year old girls for Christ sake. I am older and more experienced. Even if 10 to12 men have to take me every night, I don’t care. Just release these girls and let them go back to their parents.” Is this a joke of the century or reality ?

Saturday 14 June 2014


This is heart wrenching, annoying and sad, such an vibrant and promising young lady, kokoroko and our Branama queen who died on friday June 13th at the US hospital. Rumor had it that she was 6months pregnant and was having pre-eclampsia - pregnancy induced high blood pressure. Others said she married her ex-husband's friend so that she can conceive, having divorced her real husband. But getting information from the real source is the best and authentic.

And to that effect  an official statement from Kefee's UK publicist was released ...

On behalf of the family….It is with a great sadness but grateful hearts that we announce the passing to glory due to lungs failure this morning of our God’s mouth piece, chorus leader, daughter, wife, sister, friend Kefee Branama Queen … May her beautiful, gentle and precious soul rest in perfect peace. Amen!!
PS: In contrast to all earlier rumors and stories in circulation, I do state that Kefee wasn’t 6 months pregnant and neither did she have pre-eclampsia.
For the family
Adeline Adelicious Adebayo, (Kefee’s UK Manager0

May her soul rest in peace.

Saturday 31 May 2014


I AM WOMAN. ...the truth is, I find myself really funny. I laugh the most when I am by myself, it maybe why I enjoy my own company so much.     

 Being a woman is supposed to be difficult and the aging process a drag. Yet, the older I get, the more I realize the power in enjoying who I am. I find that I laugh more I am aware that joy is fleeting and I don't feel sad at its passing. I value the special people who are true in my life no matter how long or how fleeting the acquaintance.  I realize the power in even a whisper light lifting of my spirit by another beautiful spirit. I refuse to let those who don't matter hang around and spoil my joy. I respect and accept that I will never be good enough for everyone. I love, when I am privileged to do so.

 I am aware I am not the most beautiful but u know what? I am beautiful! No doubt about it. The sound of my voice, the look of my eyes, the compassion of my soul. The upward lilt of my chin, the roundness of my hips, the strength to calm in my laughter. It is all me and still counting, hmmm. I am woman. I am beautiful. There is none like me.                         

 Did I remember to add that I give joy? And even as I say this the laughter bubbles up from deep within me because joy multiplies as its given out. I am woman. Beautiful, sensual, sexual and the world is incomplete without me! RITA AJU

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Proud to be pregnant

Before now our parents hold there pregnancy image very sacred , may not even take a picture of it, talk-less of showing the public. But in our present day, celebrities go as far as taking this pictures and posting it online.

Some will refuse for fear of the unknown , while some see it as good tidings and blessing that should be shared and they are proud to be pregnant.
Enjoy your view

Tuesday 22 April 2014

How to Sweet Talk a Lady

Talking to a girl can be hard task-- but sweet talking her is an art. If you want to know how to sweet talk a girl, then you have to be able to make her feel special, without making her think that you're just pulling her legs. Here are the steps on how you can sweet talk a lady.

Sweet Talk a Girl Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Sweet Talk a Girl Step 3 Version 2.jpgSweet Talk a Girl Step 2 Version 2.jpg
  1. Don't be shy about how you feel. If you really want to sweet talk a girl, then you have to make it pretty clear that you're into her. This doesn't mean that you should tell her how hot you think she is the second you've met, but it does mean that she has to see that you're into what she's bringing to the table. Don't be too rude, look around the room, or make her question your motives. Once she knows you're into her, it's up to you to win her over with your words.
    • Don't worry if you're normally shy about talking to girls. If you act confident when you approach her and are sweet to her right off the bat, she'll respond in a positive way and will make you more relaxed about talking to her.
  2. Keep it casual. Don't make it too obvious that you're sweet talking her. Don't say, "Hey, baby, what's up?" Or, "What are you up to, hot stuff?" Or she will want to pull away. Just come right up to her and say, "Hey, what are you up to?" Or, "Hey, I'm _____, what's your name?" You don't need a smooth pick-up line or to make a big deal about the fact that you're talking to a cute girl you like. Make it feel natural, like you're already friends, and take it from there.
    • If you act too nervous, formal, or excited about talking to her, you may make her feel a bit nervous, too. The more relaxed and easygoing you are, the better she'll feel.
  3. Be respectful. Sweet talking a girl can have its limits. If you want to sweet talk her, then you have to stay respectful about not overstepping any boundaries or making her feel uncomfortable. If you don't know her that well, or even if you do, you should avoid saying anything overly sexual or vulgar because she will instantly want to pull away. Instead, respect her boundaries both by not crowding her or sitting too close to her and by not making any comments that are just too raunchy and that can be interpreted the wrong way.
    • Don't compliment her breasts, butt, or any parts of her body that are off-limits.
    • If she starts talking raunchy, you can up the ante a bit, but don't just start off this way.
  4. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Give her your full attention. An important part of sweet talking a girl is making her feel like the only person in the room. Make eye contact, and only break it occasionally so you don't come off as too intense. Turn your body toward her. Stop checking your phone or looking around for your buddies. Make her feel like all you care about is hanging out with her and hearing what she has to say. That will make whatever you say sound much, much, sweeter.
    • If someone calls you or texts you and you really have to answer it, apologize or excuse yourself. Let her see that you really are focused on her. Nothing will make her lose interest faster than seeing you text your best buddy back and forth.
Flattering Her                 
Sweet Talk a Girl Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Sweet Talk a Girl Step 6 Version 2.jpg
  1. Compliment her. Girls love being complimented, just as you do. Notice the things about her that make her special to you and be sure to let her know that you've noticed. Don't just give her a generic compliment like, "You look pretty tonight," but make it as specific as you can. Tell her, "Your eyes look so pretty with your sweater," or something that lets her see that you're really paying attention. Don't limit your compliments to mentioning her physical appearance, though. Compliment something you love about the ways she acts or her personality. Here are some other great compliments you can give:
    • "I love your laugh. I've never heard anything like it before."
    • "You're so good at making people feel good about themselves."
    • "You're so easy to talk to. I feel like I can say anything to you."
  2. Give her a nickname. If you know each other pretty well, then you can consider giving her a cute nickname that makes her feel special and lets her know how you really feel about her. This can have to do with an inside joke you have, or can be related to an aspect of her personality or appearance. Just make sure you're familiar enough with her to give her a nickname so she doesn't feel like you're taking it too far.
  3. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 7 Version 2.jpg
    Compliment her in front of other people. This doesn't mean you should embarrass her and say something like, "Mandy here is the most incredible girl I've ever met," but it does mean that you can find a way to sneak in a compliment about her when you're out with other people. Say something like, "Have you seen her play basketball? Nobody can shoot like her," or, "Lisa here always knows what to do when you're having friend drama." Just casually mention something she's good at and see how great it makes her feel.
    • Give her subtle eye contact when you give the compliment, so she knows you're really just trying to sweet talk her.
    • Bonus points if you can compliment something about her in front of other people that you've never mentioned to her when you're alone.
  4. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    Say that your friends or family would love her. Girls love hearing this -- not the first time you meet them, of course. But if you're talking to the girl long enough and the moment feels right, you can say something like, "You should come out with me and my buddies. I know they would love you," or "You're the kind of girl who my mom would really like. I can tell." The girl will be really flattered and will start to think that you're really serious about her, since mentioning the idea of introducing her to your friends and family is a big step.
    • That being said, don't say this unless you mean it! You don't want the girl to think you're serious about her if you're just out for a good time.
  5. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 9.jpg
    Flirt with her. Flirting is a big part of sweet talking. To flirt with the girl, you have to be playful with her, to tease her a bit, and to let her know you think she's cute without saying so. It can take some practise to master the perfect flirtation style, so err on the side of caution, starting off slowly and then getting more playful as she responds to you. You can even give her a light touch to let her know you like her, putting a hand on her knee or arm for a second.
    • Say something like, "Do you always wear so much pink or is it a special occasion?" You don't have to be super serious to be a great flirt.
  6. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 10.jpg
    Tell her she's smart. Women hate feeling like you just see them as eye candy or only view them as pretty faces with nothing going on upstairs. Complimenting a girl's mind, these days, can be more flattering than just complimenting her looks or her clothes. Saying something like, "You're really smart. I really like the way you think," or "I've never heard anyone put it like that before. You're an original thinker," can really make her feel special. Obviously, only do this if it's true!
    • Don't try too hard to force this into the conversation. Wait until the right opportunity presents itself. If you tell her she's smart while you're both laughing about her pet dog, Bobo, then she may look at you funny.

  Showing a Real Interest in Her

  1. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 11.jpg
    Let her know how much you like hanging out with her. Say something like, "It's always so fun to talk to you," or "I always have the best time talking to you." Though she may get the vibe that you really like spending time with her, it may be better to just come right out and say it. Don't be afraid of telling her how you really feel. She'll really appreciate it and she'll be charmed by your smooth moves.
    • Of course, make sure you actually are having a great time before you tell her that you always have a great time when you hang out with her!
  2. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 12.jpg
    Mention your inside jokes. Develop some code words between each other. Use them around other people and laugh secretly as if you're having a private joke. This is a great way to make the girl feel like you're sweet on her. If you didn't like her, then you wouldn't share a private language, would you? Don't be too obvious about it, but if you can find a way to make the girl laugh or smile when you're alone or around others, that's definitely a way of sweet talking her.
  3. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 13.jpg
    Let her know how much you love/like her. If you're at the "I love you" stage in your relationship, then make sure you let her know how you really feel. Don't just say it once every blue moon; if you love her, tell her every day, multiple times a day, without overwhelming her. And if you're dating or hanging out a lot, always remind her that you really like her. You can do this without smothering her and let her know that you really do care for her.
    • Find a way to naturally slip it into the conversation. Don't just say "I really like you" or "I love you" when you need her to do something for you or to forgive you. Make it feel spontaneous.
  4. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 14.jpg
    Crack her up. Making a girl laugh is key to sweet talking her. You don't have to be the world's greatest comedian to bring a genuine smile to her face. Don't be afraid to be a little bit corny or silly or just to say something a little bit random. As long as she doesn't feel like you're trying too hard, she'll appreciate the effort. You can tease her a bit, or even make fun of yourself a bit, as long as you're not being too self-deprecating. Remember that when you're sweet talking a girl, you want to keep things light, not talk about how your life has lost all meaning since your grandfather died. Make her feel light and airy and laugh as much as possible -- you can do the serious stuff later.
    • If you tried a joke and fell flat, just saying something like, "You can't win them all," or just laugh at yourself a bit. There's no need to look crushed or to make things awkward. In fact, soon enough, you can both be laughing at your failed attempt.
  5. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 15.jpg
    Thank her. Take a minute to acknowledge something nice the girl has done for you. You can say, "Thanks for our conversation. It's definitely made my day," or "Thank so much for helping out last week. I couldn't have passed that test without you." Let her know that you appreciate what she does for you and that you're aware of how much she means to you. This will make her feel like she's an important part of your life and that you really care for her.
    • You don't have to overdo it. If it's just something small, just say, "Hey, thanks for getting me this coffee. I really need it." You don't have to act like she did something life-changing while acknowledging her actions in a positive way.
  6. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 16.jpg
    Tell her she's unique. If you really want to sweet talk a girl, then you have to let her know that she's not like any other girl you know. Make her feel unique, and mean it. Find something about her that isn't true about any other girl and tell her how you feel. If she knows that she stands out to you, she'll really be flattered and will be touched by your effort. Here are some ways to make her really feel unique:
    • "I've never met a girl who is as comfortable with herself as you are."
    • "You're so good at listening to people. It's an amazing skill."
    • "You really know how to make people feel good about themselves. I don't know anyone else who can do that as well as you."
    • "You're not like any other girl I've ever met."
  7. Ask her opinion. Another way to sweet talk a girl is to actually ask her how she feels about something. If you're doing all the smooth talking, going on and on about how much you like her or filling her with flattery, then she can get bored pretty fast. Instead, take the time to actually ask her what she thinks about certain subjects. This will let her know that you see her as more than just an object and that the things she says really matter to you. Here are some things you can ask her about:
    • A mutual friend
    • A band coming to town
    • A new TV show
    • Current events (as long as you don't get into a controversial conversation too early)
    • What she thinks you should do in a certain situation
  8. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 18.jpg
    Ask about her life. Another way to sweet talk a girl is to actually show an interest in who she is. Let her see that she's more than just a cute girl and that you see her as an individual with her own dreams and desires. You don't have to pry too much to let her know you're really interested in who she is. Avoid the extra personal topics and stick to things she'll be comfortable talking about. Here are some things you can ask about:
    • Her hobbies and interests
    • Her passions
    • Her friends
    • Her family
    • Her pets
    • Her plans for the weekend
  9. Sweet Talk a Girl Step 19.jpg
    Ask how her day was. This is completely simple, and completely effective. Sometimes all a girl (or anyone, really) wants to hear is, "How was your day?" Nothing can sound sweeter to someone who had a bad, or just an interesting day, and who wants to talk about it. She'll be touched that you actually care about how her day went, and if you sound like you really mean it, she'll say more than just "Good" or "Not too bad," and will begin to open up to you.
    • To truly sweet talk a girl, you have to find a balance between flattering her and actually making her feel like you care.
  10.  Listen to her. Listening can be just as important as talking, when it comes to making a girl feel special. All the flattery in the world won't work if you don't take the time to slow down, shut up, and really listen to what she has to say. Make eye contact, nod occasionally as you follow along, and don't interrupt her when she's trying to tell you something. Don't tell her you know exactly how she feels and don't say, "That was just how I felt this one time when…" Let her see that you care about what she has to say, not what it has to do with you.
    • Face it: a lot of guys are notoriously bad listeners. Make yourself stand out as someone who is just as interested in listening to a girl as he is in trying to impress her. And if you're a good listener, she will be impressed.
    • It's important to remember what she tells you so you can bring it up later in the conversation. She'll feel really special if you can bring up some offhand comment she made two hours or two days ago.                                                                    Culled from WikiHow

Ways To Get A Girl To Talk Nasty With You On Phone Chat

#1 I can’t believe I texted you while I was peeing.
#2 I’m feeling so cold even though I’m under the blanket. Hold on for a minute, lemme put on my clothes.
#3 I wish you could be with me now.
#4 I’m watching a s**y video of a girl/guy who looks just like you *link it to an explicit video with a really attractive person so your lover would be flattered*.
#5 What are you wearing right now?
#6 Can you guess the color of my underwear?
#7 My legs are missing you in between them.
#8 I just bought new underwear and can’t wait to show it to you.
#9 If I were with you right now, where would you want me to touch you?
#10 I’m watching p**n.

#11 My hands were busy, but they took a break to text you.
#12 I’m imagining you’re with me right now…
#13 I’m trying to sleep, but I can’t stop thinking about all the things you could do to me if you were with me right now.
#14 I’m looking for s** toys online…
#15 I had a naughty dream last night and you were in me… I mean, it…
#16 Do you believe in kiss and tell? Cause I want you to kiss me and do things to me in your mind and tell me all about it.
#17 I’m lying in bed and bored. Do you want to play Simon Says?
#18 What would you want to do with me after our date tomorrow?
#19 I can see two pussies humping outside my window. They’re meowing so much it’s hard for me to go back to sleep.
#20 Wanna play a game with me?
Once you use any of these lines as your text conversation starter, it’ll automatically get your lover’s mind racing into s**ual overdrive.
All you need to do after that is play along and answer the questions keeping s** in mind. And before you know it, both of you would be all hot and bothered and also in the mood. *winks*

Sexist Dating Tips From 1938


                                                            Oh she finally got drunk . So end her date.