Sunday 7 December 2014

Signs You're Dealing with a Groomzilla

Signs You're Dealing with a Groomzilla 

 In this world we are living  wedding planning there is a new beast 
making its way onto the scene. Its origins is just from the species known as the "bridezilla" and then this creature usually boasts more body hair, and fewer pairs of shoes. And the last time i checked , It's known to wildly screech phrases such as "cigar bar" and "groom's cake," and usually possesses a multitude of unfounded, passionate opinions. That's right, and it brings us to the word  Groomzilla.
Have you encountered one of these fascinating mammals? Are you perhaps engaged to one? Here are some telltale signs that yes, that man is in fact a Groomzilla.
1. He Won't Budge
This man wants basketball-themed centerpieces and he won't compromise. He understands that they completely clash with the established color scheme, but he doesn't care because it's the NBA finals.
2. He Offers Retroactive Opinions
The groomzilla is a unique breed in that he is likely to present no hint of opinions throughout the decision making process or planning process , yet he develops very passionate feelings about wedding elements when they're past the point of alteration. Frustration ensues for all parties.
3. He Pouts Over His Lack of Groom Showers
You may hear a Groomzilla mumble something to the effect of, "You get to open so many gifts, eeemmmm Men need underwear and cooking-ware too." not funny though !
4. He Demands Groom-Centric Activities
Despite the fact that the entire wedding is focused on the bride and groom, the Groomzilla will demand even more, man-dedicated attention in the form of cigar bars, groom's cakes, and whiskey tasting like all the grooms attention should be passed on to him. He is, in fact, the belle of the ball, and demands to be treated as such.
5. He Expects Perfection
The Groomzilla usually boasts a unique, warped sense of self-importance to himself  that will now cause him to believe his wedding is more important than the millions of other weddings taking place in this world . Consequently, he demands perfection — from vendors, his groomsmen, his DJ, and beyond.


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