Wednesday 29 April 2020


Our joy was cut short on the second trimester of my pregnancy. It was on Saturday afternoon after we
were done with lunch that two men knocked at our door. I couldn’t go for the door because of my
condition. Kassim went to open the door but came in with these fearless looking men. Good afternoon,
I’m Inspector Boniface Ada, my colleague is Fred Sam. We are men of the NPF from Lagos state
command. I guess you are Mr Kassim Olabisi? He said, pointing at my husband. Yes, how may I help you?
Kassim questioned the policemen. You are under arrest for the rape of Mrs Esther Ele on the 12th of
October, 19….. You may remain silent or anything you say here shall be used against you in the court of
The iniquity that was buried had been unburied again. My husband was handcuffed and taken away. I
called Baba immediately to inform him the police had arrested Kassim. Make sure you know where they
are taking him to, baba told me. I picked my bag and followed them. While at the police station, I called
Toyin to meet me immediately. Toyin arrived before baba came. She quickly introduced herself as
Barrister Toyin and requested to see the DPO. She spent almost one hour with the DPO but her
countenance spoke volume when she came out of the DPO’s office. What is it Toyin? I hurriedly asked
her. She sighed and took me to the car. It is rape case of over seventeen years. He has been placed on a
WANTED list and the case is not of this locality. He will be taken to Lagos tomorrow where he will be
tried for the charges against him. We cannot seek for bail because it is not within our jurisdiction. So
Toyin, what can we do now? Hmmmm, let me think, she requested.

Toyin called about three of her lawyer friends in Lagos to help us follow up until we get a substantial
lawyer who will stand for us but they all declined. It was a case at the table of Lagos state commissioner
of police with special interest of the inspector general of police. Kassim was held in custody that night
and was taken to Lagos very early the following day. My condition did not let me follow them. My
brother in-law took the next available flight to Lagos to follow up with the case.
In a nutshell my husband was jailed. He saw my pregnancy but he never saw the baby. I gave birth to a
baby girl after some months. Fast forward, my husband spent ten years in prison. By the time he came
out our daughter was already ten years old. We couldn’t have any other child again because I was
already menopausal. I stopped seeing my menses at 46. Kassim later became a pastor and dedicated his
entire life to God.
Anuoluwapo is our daughter’s name. Today Anu is just 16 and she has been raped six times by different
men. Did God visit the iniquity of the father on the daughter? Did the Bible not say “your sins and your
iniquities will I remember no more”? It is true that the father had eaten sour grape but the teeth of the
children are set at edge.
What are you doing today? It is a seed for your children in years to come.
Are you hiding anything? You can only hide it from men but not from God.
God is merciful but you will live with the scars of your evildoing all your life.
Stop that wickedness today before you are caught in the web of judgement.

The End.

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