Wednesday 29 April 2020


It was 8pm and we began to make preparation for the 9pm meeting. My father in-law had insisted he
will not go with us this time. I’m already feeling my BP had gone up and I wouldn’t want it to go higher
than what it is if you don’t want to carry my corpse back to Ajase, he said. We got set and we drove in
Toyin’s car to the church. Three of the prayer team members were already seated waiting for us and
baba. Few minutes later, baba and some other prayer team members joined us. This time, it wasn’t a
long prayer before the stage was set for the continuation of Kassim’s confession.
I know I am not worthy to live again but at this junction I need to tell this gathering everything I have
done so that the world will learn from my story. My dear, I am sorry for what I have subjected you to for
a whole decade. I will beg you for something before I continue my confession. What is it? I asked. I will
like you to write the story of my life to be titled “THE ABOMINATION” and make it go viral so that others
who are in my shoe can learn. I am not sure I can make it, I see death close to my bosom and ready to
take me. Is that all? I asked. Yes, he replied.
You will not die but live to declare the goodness of God, baba interrupted him. If you can confess all
your sins and forsake them, God will give you another chance you don’t deserve. We have two members of this church who had done worse than what you did and God had shown them mercy. One is a pastor
today and the other is a member of the choir. God can forgive you brother Kassim. Just confess all. Baba
picked his old Dake and opened to Proverbs 28:13 that read thus “He that covereth his sins shall not
prosper: But whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” He also instructed one of the
team members to open James 5:16 “confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that
ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Kassim continued his confession. I killed grandma when she came for treatment for her tuberculosis.
Everyone had gone out that day and only me and grandma was in the house and I began to have urge
for sex. I went round the neighborhood if I could bounce on any woman or girl around to satisfy my urge
but none was available. By the time I returned home, my urge had doubled and on entering the house, I
noticed grandma was taking her bath. I tiptoed until I forced my way into the bathroom, who is that?,
grandma asked. I didn’t answer because I didn’t want her to know I was the one. She quickly robbed off
the soap on her face, Kassim what are you doing here? Go out, she shouted. But before she could
scream again I overpowered her and released my tension on her. While I was struggling to penetrate her,
grandma begged me not to do it because it is an abominable act. You will incur generational curse on
yourself and your unborn children, she advised. When she noticed I was bent on doing what I intended
she stopped to struggle with me. The shock was what killed grandma that many didn’t know till today.
The whole place was in tears, even baba could not hold back his tears. My brother in-law fainted
momentarily. We have to start another process of prayer to bring him back to consciousness. It was
really shocking. I am sorry, Kassim begged everyone. I know this is not easy to take but I did it and I am
regretting my action. He seemed to still have more confession but no one was bold enough to ask him to
continue, not even baba. There was a long silence in the hall like we were in the graveside. My heart was
tearing in pieces and I could hear the sound of the crack in my heart. I wished the earth could open up
and swallow me but it never happened. But will God forgive these terrible acts of heartlessness and evil?
Will God not avenge grandma’s blood? These and many questions ran through my mind in a jiffy.

Hang on for next episode…

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