Saturday 29 November 2014

Setting your boyfriend up ........DANGEROUS GAME

 Hi! My name is Lola.
I used my friend to set up my boyfriend to see if he'll cheat on me.
only gave Cassy his Blackberry PIN,
Now they've sent me a wedding IV. What am I ?

Any criticism you make will eventually be made against you. If you want to criticize others, be prepared to for them to scrutinize you. Judgement has a negative effect. The more you judge people the more you will be judged. You haven’t lived their life’s.
Be grateful, not arrogant for any abilities you may have that are better than someone else’s. A beautiful person becomes ugly when they put down those who are not like them. There is no one in this world who is not beautiful.

Lola does not believe or have faith in her boyfriend now she has been stepped upon , be wise these things happens everyday, don't be a victim.


james said...

FOOL with capital letters

Alonge Jamal said...

mumu of the century

george said...

weuweueweuweu crying with you, you have done well by matchmaking them, pls i need your own pin. hahahahahahahahah

Anonymous said...

She could have done better...there's no sub for communication in a relationship...whatever, we learn everyday.