Thursday 27 February 2014

How to Eradicate Body Odor

Be sure to shower or bathe daily. Use proper body cleansing agents such as soap or shower gel. Wash everything completely especially your underarms.

Don't use antiperspirant/deodorant (except in cases of excessive sweating). It will actually end up making you smell worse than ever like the lady who tried it on her driver Stephen.  Not many people know this, but perspiration by itself has no odor at all. Underarm odor is caused by bacteria and their excrement. Soap and deodorant actually supply food for the bacteria and they excrete even more. This is easy to verify. Just wash your underarms with nothing but water and a clean cloth. Do this for a month. You will not smell at all. If it is too much sweating giving you trouble, then you should actually use an antiperspirant. This is because this product helps to cut down on your sweating.

 Change your clothes, including undergarments and socks, daily. Wash underwear (including bras and bucksers for men) after each use, and other clothes at least when they get dirty, sweaty, or when they do not smell clean. Socks and shoes may be changed 2-3 times per day if they get sweaty, and keeping feet dry can reduce odor and irritation.

Store your clothes in places where air can get to them and that smell nice. Consider scented paper as lining in your drawers i know some people uses newspaper . Hanging garments up may help more than storing them in drawers; it will let them dry and kill any bacteria that might be living there.

Wash your hands frequently, at least three or four times per day.  This is not a practice for kids alone, adults too keep to keep the hands and fingers always clean.

Adjust your diet/lifestyle. Body odor is directly linked to the waste products of your body's digestion. What you eat has a large effect on how you smell. If you eat bad quality, unhealthy food, your digestion will reflect that, and you will excrete those bad smells and stink to those around you. Try to avoid fast food, fried foods like pofpof, bons chin chin and so on, and any other processed foods that contain a lot of chemicals.

If you smoke, then you have to stop smoking. Everyone knows that smoking causes cigarette smell to attach to your clothing. It can also negatively affect the regulatory systems responsible for keeping odors in line. So consider  a sack letter today for Mr. Cigarette.
However, i have heard of potassium a couple of times, that when you bath with it, it helps . Although i am not sure of that.

Floss daily, preferably twice a day, and brush your teeth at least two times a day. Have professional cleaning at least two times a year. Body odor may also include halitosis, which is often a sign of gingivitis by this i mean a condition in which the gums around the teeth become painful, red and swollen

Consult your doctor if body odor is a permanent problem. You might be diagnosed with Bromhidrosis. It is often associated with changes of the hormone level (pubertal or climacteric period), diabetes, hidden inflammations, aligmentation changes or preponderance. The most common reason for people with body odor is excessive sweating. 

Always carry a bandana or hanky  - it is a useful item to carry when outdoors. Wipe the perspiration off yourself with the bandana or a damp bandana or even the hanky. After using paper towels, there might be tiny bits of the paper towel on your face, so if there is no mirror, wipe at your face to remove those possible specks. With gangs around, don't use a red or blue bandana.

Buy some of those canisters (similar to baby wipes) with the disposable cleaning sheets for some quick and easy freshening-up. What works just as well is a some paper towel, soaked with a little rubbing alcohol, in a zip lock bag. Spray in a little cologne in the bottle of rubbing alcohol and then you can use it and have a comfortable day. 

 If after doing all these above and you still have an unbearable body odor, then its from the village.

The best time management techniques for a working mom.

Time management can be one of the most difficult skills to master. In fact, many working mothers agree that there simply isn't enough time in the day to get everything done. Even the most organized person will become stressed out when short on time.
From doing the best each day at work, to spending quality time with your children after the workday is over, working mothers deserve the best time management strategies to accomplish all the items on their ever-increasing to-do list. not to talk of when you are pregnant. 

Focus on each daily task. I know one of the most common time management mistakes is to become distracted. Time management is all about staying focused. If you're working on a business presentation, don't start thinking about what you're going to cook for dinner. Instead, force yourself to complete your presentation before allowing your mind to wander in any other direction. If you find dinner is repeatedly drifting into your mind, give yourself a timed, 5-minute break to write down your meal plans, and return to the presentation with a clear head, It works mum.

Avoid ineffective multitasking. Many working mothers think they can save time by multitasking. However, multitaking has its drawbacks when you try to complete two physical tasks at once. For example, don't try to iron your suit while making your children's lunches; something will get burned or forgotten. It however, can be effective if you choose to complete only one physical task at a time, such as making a long-awaited phone call to your mother while ironing.

Separate work and motherhood responsibilities. One of the best time management secrets is to leave parental responsibilities at home when you're at work. Similarly, when you walk in the door after work, put on your "mom hat" and leave your job responsibilities at the office.

Set reasonable daily goals. Time management is about getting all your daily duties completed in a reasonable amount of time. Set daily goals for yourself for both your work and home life that allow you to enjoy a sense of accomplishment. Don't set goals that will be impossible to reach. If it's your goal to finish a business proposal, make it your top priority during the workday. If you're determined to finally wrap all your holiday gifts, make that your evening's primary task.

Don't be a slacker. If you dread cleaning your kitchen, don't save that task until the weekend when you'll want to spend time with family. The best time management techniques entails using time wisely. Don't procrastinate its even a sin. If you let tasks, like house cleaning, go for too long it becomes more difficult to finish lets think wisely and know how to manage our time well.

Feel free to add more point and comment.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Foods That Fights Inflammation and Belly Fat

Having a flat tummy post pregnancy is what every mum crave for here is the magic.
All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make sure to include adequate amounts of these foods daily. Some types of fresh produce, however, are even more potent than others.

Some terrific anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables to include in your meal plan include apples, berries, broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple, and spinach.


Nobel 84 from Brazil was having a serious tummy pain, went to the hospital for treatment and realised she was pregnant, the Doctor confirmed she was carrying a 44-year-old foetus in her womb.

According to Brazilian news website G1, the woman remembers suffering pain during her pregnancy over 40 years ago and visiting a healer (traditionalist) for help.
The traditionalist prepared some concoction for her, after taking what he'd prescribed, "her stomach didn't grow any more, the baby stopped moving, and she thought it had been aborted.
When the pain became severe she went to a gynecologist at the Tocantins hospital,who had an X-rays on her and revealed "the face, the bones of the arms, of the legs, the ribs, and the spine" of the foetus, which is believed to have died at between 20 and 28 weeks, of which it was her intention to kill the baby.

This case of lady Noble is a rare phenomenon which is known as lithopedion, in which the foetus grows and then dies outside of the uterus. It may occur from 14 weeks gestation to full term. It is not unusual for a stone baby to remain undiagnosed for decades, and it is often not until a patient is examined for other conditions or a proper examination is conducted that includes an X-ray, that a stone baby is found.
The condition was first described in a treatise by the physician Albucasis in the 10th century, but fewer than 300 cases have been noted in 400 years of medical literature. The earliest lithopedion is one found in an archaeological excavation at Bering Sinkhole, on the Edwards Plateau in Kerr County, Texas dated to 1100 BC. so it is not a new thing as Noble's case is not the 1st.

With the body unable to rid itself of it, the dead foetus is instead covered in calcium as a means of protection, resulting in a "stone baby."

In December, a similar case was discovered in Colombia. That woman opted to have surgery, but this lady Noble from Brazil says she does not want the foetus removed. Could this be normal or is she diabolic ?

Sunday 23 February 2014


 Pastor Kentuchy before now was famous for handling snakes during religious services, reasons i dont know why.
His congregation call him Jamie Coots a middle age man.
Pastor Coots was known as the star of National Geographic’s “Snake Salvation” reality series, which now made him followed that part of life spiritually.
 Now imagine he said that he and his followers believe that God calls upon them to handle venomous serpents and to drink other poisons. and that If it bits them , him and his parishioners should refuse medical treatment because they are to believe that their fate is in God’s hands. lobatan

Things went bad for this pastor during his usual church service when one of the snake bit him, the news got to the police and medical team , Police said they received a call about a snakebite injury around 8:30 from Coots’ church. Then when emergency responders arrived at the scene, Coots had already driven home about one to two miles from his church.

Police and medical personal then went to his home and found that Coots had been bitten on his hand. For another 40 minutes medical personal stayed with him and was trying to persuade him to go to the hospital for further medical attention or even submit to their first aid treatment.
This pastor refused because of his believe and eventually the emergency responders left. An hour after they left, another call was made from Coots’ home to say that the pastor had died. Emergency personal and the coroner was dispatched to the scene. Now his death is being treated as a non-criminal investigation because he practically killed himself, his spiritual power and believe has failed him.
Coot  deliberately expose himself to a mixture of toxic chemicals. 
What this tells us is that, particularly when looking at complex chemical mixtures, you can’t just assume toxicity because an individual chemical in the mixture may have a toxic effect. When you are exposed to a mixture, the individual chemicals may interact with each other, affecting metabolism and toxicity. I hope i am not confusing you ? You also have to consider that the dose of any individual chemical may be very low – below the level at which any toxic effect occurs. You can also get a reliable indication of toxicity by looking at the complete mixture – in the case of coffee drinking a couple of cups a day is safe for most people. So i personally believe that this pastor's believe and ideology is wrong. oh yes ! spiritual power failure.