Wednesday 29 April 2020


Our joy was cut short on the second trimester of my pregnancy. It was on Saturday afternoon after we
were done with lunch that two men knocked at our door. I couldn’t go for the door because of my
condition. Kassim went to open the door but came in with these fearless looking men. Good afternoon,
I’m Inspector Boniface Ada, my colleague is Fred Sam. We are men of the NPF from Lagos state
command. I guess you are Mr Kassim Olabisi? He said, pointing at my husband. Yes, how may I help you?
Kassim questioned the policemen. You are under arrest for the rape of Mrs Esther Ele on the 12th of
October, 19….. You may remain silent or anything you say here shall be used against you in the court of
The iniquity that was buried had been unburied again. My husband was handcuffed and taken away. I
called Baba immediately to inform him the police had arrested Kassim. Make sure you know where they
are taking him to, baba told me. I picked my bag and followed them. While at the police station, I called
Toyin to meet me immediately. Toyin arrived before baba came. She quickly introduced herself as
Barrister Toyin and requested to see the DPO. She spent almost one hour with the DPO but her
countenance spoke volume when she came out of the DPO’s office. What is it Toyin? I hurriedly asked
her. She sighed and took me to the car. It is rape case of over seventeen years. He has been placed on a
WANTED list and the case is not of this locality. He will be taken to Lagos tomorrow where he will be
tried for the charges against him. We cannot seek for bail because it is not within our jurisdiction. So
Toyin, what can we do now? Hmmmm, let me think, she requested.

Toyin called about three of her lawyer friends in Lagos to help us follow up until we get a substantial
lawyer who will stand for us but they all declined. It was a case at the table of Lagos state commissioner
of police with special interest of the inspector general of police. Kassim was held in custody that night
and was taken to Lagos very early the following day. My condition did not let me follow them. My
brother in-law took the next available flight to Lagos to follow up with the case.
In a nutshell my husband was jailed. He saw my pregnancy but he never saw the baby. I gave birth to a
baby girl after some months. Fast forward, my husband spent ten years in prison. By the time he came
out our daughter was already ten years old. We couldn’t have any other child again because I was
already menopausal. I stopped seeing my menses at 46. Kassim later became a pastor and dedicated his
entire life to God.
Anuoluwapo is our daughter’s name. Today Anu is just 16 and she has been raped six times by different
men. Did God visit the iniquity of the father on the daughter? Did the Bible not say “your sins and your
iniquities will I remember no more”? It is true that the father had eaten sour grape but the teeth of the
children are set at edge.
What are you doing today? It is a seed for your children in years to come.
Are you hiding anything? You can only hide it from men but not from God.
God is merciful but you will live with the scars of your evildoing all your life.
Stop that wickedness today before you are caught in the web of judgement.

The End.


Kassim had really gone too deep into the ocean of atrocity. For three days we were on spiritual
admission in the church. Toyin began to prepare my mind. Nneka, if God forgives him, you must also
forgive him. You know we were all once sinners but God forgave us all. You will forgive him so God can
forgive you and give you a new life. It was when she said this I remembered I had not confessed my
abortion to anybody. The fear of what befell Kassim gripped me. Baba I have a confession to make too?
He tried to excuse those standing by but I told him I don’t mind. I confessed everything evil I have ever
done including my affair with Prophet Ade. I became very light after my confession. It was like a big rock
was excavated out of my heart. I really wished the trumpet could just sound at that moment. I was so sure of my eternity with Christ.

I reconciled with Kassim but we went through a two week counseling session before I could accept
Kassim back again as my husband. Not too long, Kassim’s father died of stroke. His mum followed suit
three months later. We left our former church and we started attending Seed of Faith Church, Baba’s
church. Kassim didn’t recover fully but he could move about. He lost his job because of his long absence
at work. The whole family load and Kassim’s medical expenses were on me. We didn’t resume conjugal
activities until after four months due to Kassim’s health and left over fear in me.
We found joy in Christ again. This time, it was a genuine encounter with the most high. In Seed of Faith
Church, no one is allowed to be a bench warmer. You must be in one department or unit in church.
While I joined the choir, Kassim joined the prayer team. We began to pick up gradually both spiritually
and financially. The fear of what Kassim said during his confession resurfaced to torment me. That he
will die childless. I couldn’t even pray to God for a child because I felt he has done enough for us. But I
need a child of my own before I approach menopause. Is child bearing part of our forgiveness package?
Will God extend his Mercy to this aspect of my life? I wished he could just answer all these questions.
Not minding Kassim’s health, I began to take advantage of every moment to meet with him. Not for
pleasure but for chances of getting pregnant. We tried for several months with the help of fertility drugs
but all to no avail. One year was gone no pregnancy. I erased the thought of conception from my mind
and focused on serving God and building my career. At the time I had completely let go trying, I missed
my period for the first time after about twelve years. I became pregnant for the man the devil said will
die childless. Satan does not have the final verdict over anyone’s life. God of Abraham and Sarah showed
up in our lives and our joy knew no bounds.

The final Episode drops next


It was 8pm and we began to make preparation for the 9pm meeting. My father in-law had insisted he
will not go with us this time. I’m already feeling my BP had gone up and I wouldn’t want it to go higher
than what it is if you don’t want to carry my corpse back to Ajase, he said. We got set and we drove in
Toyin’s car to the church. Three of the prayer team members were already seated waiting for us and
baba. Few minutes later, baba and some other prayer team members joined us. This time, it wasn’t a
long prayer before the stage was set for the continuation of Kassim’s confession.
I know I am not worthy to live again but at this junction I need to tell this gathering everything I have
done so that the world will learn from my story. My dear, I am sorry for what I have subjected you to for
a whole decade. I will beg you for something before I continue my confession. What is it? I asked. I will
like you to write the story of my life to be titled “THE ABOMINATION” and make it go viral so that others
who are in my shoe can learn. I am not sure I can make it, I see death close to my bosom and ready to
take me. Is that all? I asked. Yes, he replied.
You will not die but live to declare the goodness of God, baba interrupted him. If you can confess all
your sins and forsake them, God will give you another chance you don’t deserve. We have two members of this church who had done worse than what you did and God had shown them mercy. One is a pastor
today and the other is a member of the choir. God can forgive you brother Kassim. Just confess all. Baba
picked his old Dake and opened to Proverbs 28:13 that read thus “He that covereth his sins shall not
prosper: But whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” He also instructed one of the
team members to open James 5:16 “confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that
ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Kassim continued his confession. I killed grandma when she came for treatment for her tuberculosis.
Everyone had gone out that day and only me and grandma was in the house and I began to have urge
for sex. I went round the neighborhood if I could bounce on any woman or girl around to satisfy my urge
but none was available. By the time I returned home, my urge had doubled and on entering the house, I
noticed grandma was taking her bath. I tiptoed until I forced my way into the bathroom, who is that?,
grandma asked. I didn’t answer because I didn’t want her to know I was the one. She quickly robbed off
the soap on her face, Kassim what are you doing here? Go out, she shouted. But before she could
scream again I overpowered her and released my tension on her. While I was struggling to penetrate her,
grandma begged me not to do it because it is an abominable act. You will incur generational curse on
yourself and your unborn children, she advised. When she noticed I was bent on doing what I intended
she stopped to struggle with me. The shock was what killed grandma that many didn’t know till today.
The whole place was in tears, even baba could not hold back his tears. My brother in-law fainted
momentarily. We have to start another process of prayer to bring him back to consciousness. It was
really shocking. I am sorry, Kassim begged everyone. I know this is not easy to take but I did it and I am
regretting my action. He seemed to still have more confession but no one was bold enough to ask him to
continue, not even baba. There was a long silence in the hall like we were in the graveside. My heart was
tearing in pieces and I could hear the sound of the crack in my heart. I wished the earth could open up
and swallow me but it never happened. But will God forgive these terrible acts of heartlessness and evil?
Will God not avenge grandma’s blood? These and many questions ran through my mind in a jiffy.

Hang on for next episode…


We thought we had heard confessions until Kassim made us believe he killed his grandmother. His
father could not hold himself anymore as he bursted into tears. Pastor let him die, he does not deserve
to live, let him die. I cannot have this monster as a son, he’s not my blood. Let the bastard die or I will kill
him myself. Sincerely I could understand the man’s pain. How can a man sleep with his own mother and
sister and kill his own grandmother? What sort of life is this? How did I marry a monster without
knowing for over ten years. What happened that God didn’t reveal this man to me? There was calmness
in the hall because of the last revelation. His father walked out of the hall in rage and my brother in-law
joined him pleading with him not to go.
After much begging, Kassim’s father never returned to the hall again. He sat by the car but my brother
in-law came in after sometimes. At this time, it was few minutes to 7am and some of the prayer team
members pleaded to go and prepare for work. Baba closed the meeting and asked us to reconvene by
9pm again. My father in-law and my brother in-law knew nowhere in Lokoja so I had to take them to our
house. I really wished I will not come back to that house again. Even though l built the house together with Kassim, I suddenly became a stranger in my house. I was agitated and restless through out that day
for fear.
The food I prepared, my father in-law did not touch it. I am not hungry, what is inside me is more than
hunger my daughter, he said. He called me for a chat at about 2pm. He took almost 14 minutes
apologising to me. We would have told you who Kassim is but he told us he was a changed person after
he gave his life to Christ. I am not a good Christian but I know what it meant when someone gives his life
to Christ. And moreover, everything we were asked to do for his atonement was done when he raped
his mother. My daughter you’re not bound to this marriage anymore, you’re free to remarry if you have
someone who will want to marry you. By the authority of a father and family head I release you to move
on. If you are my daughter, I will never allow you continue in this marriage with such a monster who had
done these evils. He may live with the consequences of his atrocities all his life and you are too good to
partake of his punishment. Your years of barrenness is enough for you my daughter. Please go…. I was in
tears without a word. I didn’t know what to say because my heart was battered.
As I went into my room, I began to ruminate over what my father in-law said. He is right, I don’t have to
suffer the punishment of what I didn’t do. I began to search for scriptures in my head to justify the idea
and they began to pop in.
“The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the
father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the
wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.”
“And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another,
commits adultery.”
I began to weigh the options; to continue to live with Kassim or to leave and remain unmarried for the
rest of my life. But am still young and beautiful. How can I be without a man at 37? How will I overcome sexual temptations?

As I was thinking of what to do next, I heard a knock at the door. I rushed to open the door and it was
Toyin. She brought us dinner. How are you Nneka? She greeted. I just left the church now, I went to give
Kassim some food. I didn’t bother to thank her because I thought it was needless but that was a good
gesture anyway. Her presence brought some relief to me. I shared with her what my father in-law said
and how I have been giving it a second thought. She sighed without saying anything...

Watch out for the next episode...


It was an all-night prayer and praise session. At about 4:20am Kassim became restless and unstable. He
began to shout, “fire” “fire” “fire”. All of us standing by saw no fire but he kept screaming and
complaining fire was burning him all over his body. Remove the fire, I will confess, he begged but baba
rather increased the intensity of the fire by intensifying the prayer. For ten minutes, Kassim was rolling
on the ground in pain and agony yet he refused to confess. Suddenly, baba came closer and touched his
back and he screamed very loudly and began to confess.
When I was in secondary school, I use to be the best student until Monica joined us in SSS 2 from
Queen’s College Lagos. Monica was exceptionally brilliant and she came out the best in her first exam
with us. This brought me to second position in class and many who respected me shifted to Monica. All
the boys in my class made me a subject of ridicule, saying an ordinary girl had beat me hands down. This
development really affected me so much that I developed hatred for Monica. The next term, I tried hard
to take my position back but my efforts took me a step backward. I became third position in class from
first. The third term was worse as my position went back to tenth. This made me develop more hatred for Monica and I began to plan to hurt her.
All my attempts to harm her never materialised until few months to our WAEC. I became close to
Monica so I could get opportunity to carry out my plan. We started studying together but all was to get
her. After I had entered her and gained her trust, I lured her into a government primary school on the
pretense that we want to go and study. She was too innocent to suspect I will harm her or take
advantage of her. As soon as I noticed she was buried in her study, I grabbed her from behind and took
advantage of her. She begged me not to do it to her but my heart was clouded with hatred for her over
her taking my position and making me a laughing stock among my peers. Monica was a virgin but I took
away her virginity without her consent. She wept bitterly and began to curse me.
She lifted her stained pant up and mentioned my name three times and began;
“You forcefully took away my virginity which I have been preserving for my husband.”
“I trusted you but you betrayed my trust.”
“You took away what does not belong to you in the midst of tears.”
“You turned deaf ears to my begging because of lust.”
“It will not be well with you.”
“My innocence will inflict you with demons of rape until your life becomes miserable.”
“Your generations will suffer rape forever.”
“You will never know peace until you rape your mother.”
I didn’t take her serious until seven years later when my desire to rape every woman around me grew
like wildfire inside of me. I have been looking for Monica to seek for her forgiveness but she’s nowhere
to be found. I had done many atrocities that led me to where I am today but they’re too heavy in my
mouth to say in the public. Help me beg my mum to forgive me. Kassim looked at his dad. Please dad,
forgive me. I have sinned against you and mum in many ways that you are not aware of…..