Friday 20 March 2020

Did I disappoint you or let you down?

Why do most women think with their heart and not their head?

It may sound like an obtuse question -- after all, thinking implies that you're using your brain -- but some people think that their true selves lie in their hearts rather than their their heads. They make decisions and behave based on how they're feeling rather than what may be rational.

Meet the heart people ⏩⏩Women!

Little wonder we have very few female president. You’re always popping up in my head, confused me that I find it difficult to think straight or attend to my personal needs. You appear In head and especially places that you’ve never been..... In my midnight dreams. In my poems and writing. In casual conversations. In my unspoken words.

You’re always popping in and out of my life. You changed my goals. Always so eager to show up when it’s not expected. You always CARED and provided for me. Always ready to mess with my heart. But now I think it’s over. Finally. The pulling and the pushing and the pulling some more — is over.

A breath of fresh air, I can breathe now. For a while on our last sea ride I couldn't hold my breath, Only an inhaler could revive but you found a way to stabilise my mind. I couldn’t comprehend that we had an ending. Because if it’s true love, it always finds a way to live, right? And if it were meant to be, it would be, but hey, it was mere fantasy.

The intellectual seasons/decades we had was special. What we had was something that I will never forget. But what we had is long gone. What we had is done. I don’t know why it took me so long for that to latch onto my heart. I don’t know why it took me so long to accept that fate isn’t in the stars for us. Fate isn’t on our side. Maybe it never was. It really never was.

Maybe I had to take so much time thinking and redressing for it to really hit me. Maybe I had to take so much time writing about you, to get you out of my system. To get the idea of you and me out of my head and my brain and my fingers.

Maybe I had to cry my eyes out for you, for so long, in order to finally get to this stage. This stage of acceptance. This stage of now knowing, that it’s done. And truthfully, it’s been over for so long. You knew it. I tried to not believe it. But I believe it now.

Lesson: Try as much as possible to reason with your head and not your heart.

'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun. I am a dreamer but when I wake. You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams…

Saturday 14 March 2020

Silent treatment: I lost me

I miss myself here, but some how I find away to crawl in and maybe I will crawl back into my shell.... hmmm not anytime soon fellas.

Permit me to talk a little about myself today. It's simply feels like HELL when you like someone and that someone don't seem to like you back. That soul wreching moment begins from that particular second blanks your mind & drags you to the ultimate hole of depression. Every single day ; you feel the loss of that personality.

Wait a minute, is it rude to ignore someone? Naa I don't think so. Regardless, ignoring someone is about being the better person. When you ignore someone that does NOT mean you taunt them, make mean faces, or talk behind their backs. ... What's rude is pretending to like the person and then bad-mouthing them. That is not ignoring them, that is being unmannerly and very immature.

When someone ignores you, they might not realize the damage it causes ― or they do and they think it'll make you better. Or maybe they need space but don't bother to tell you that. They could just be avoiding a confrontation, and not realize they've gone about it the wrong way.
Well if you are in my shoes, I think you should follow these rules:

Be the type of woman he would actually miss. Be pleasant to your man, and he'll miss you. ...
Give Him Some Space. He needs time away to miss you. ...
Stop Trying to Make Him Miss You. Stop trying so hard to make him miss you. ...
Move Slower Than He Wants. ...
Leave a Little Mystery in the Conversation.

Men are babies and some of them act like one, so the best is treat them like our babies too.

So what do you say when this ghost who ignored you suddenly appears? You say:

Thanks, but no thanks. You don't owe a ghost an explanation if you're over it and ready to move on, so don't be afraid to go the blunt route. ...
Ghost them back. Hey, if you want, you can return like for like and take the say nothing approach. ...
Call them out, sure when you feel even, you will be fine afterwards!
Even though I thought I will be speaking to ladies today, I kinda think men too wanna take a leave.
Well for my ladies you've got to:

Make him wait a little bit before you reply to his texts. ...
Make sure that you're smart enough to make yourself memorable. ...
Be a darling to his closest friends. ...
Exude self-love and confidence at all times. ...
Choose your battles wisely. ...
Put in as much effort into the relationship as he is. ...
Don't try being anyone you're not.
I have a friend whose name is Jane. She asked,
What does it mean for a guy you like and he knows you like him to ignore you?
Then I said, dear Jane, this is actually a really good reason to ignore you! It means he's reflecting on the potential of a relationship with you, which is probably what you want, right? Give him his space to figure things out. When he's ready, he'll come back and/or be willing to talk about where things are headed.

To be continued...