Saturday 22 October 2016

His mother caught me using a vibrator

I used to be very calm and reserved till I met a friend. Almost everyone we know has a hilarious, embarrassing or downright awful sex story up their sleeve. Whether it was a one-night stand gone wrong or a first time in the sack that left something to be desired, we’re taking a look at some of the funniest sex stories we’ve heard in a while. If you have one to add, make sure you leave us a comment! Here is my short sex story.
"I went home with this guy I met at a bar in college and he took me to what I thought was his house. I was pretty tipsy at this point so I didn’t really pay too much attention to where we were going or what the place looked like. It turned out he lived with his parents and while we were having sex on the couch and at the same time i was using my vibrator, they walked in and his mom screamed. I basically fell off the couch, grabbed what clothes I could find and ran out. I never did get my other sock back."
“I was so excited to go on a third date with this guy I really liked and figured this would be the night where we slept together. But I was also really nervous about it since I hadn’t been with a guy since my ex the year before, so I started drinking as soon as we got to the restaurant — and didn’t stop. By the time we got to his place and he was trying to get my bra off, I must have passed out in his bed! He was really sweet about it the next day and even teased me a bit, but my hangover combined with passing out on him really made me feel disgusting. At least I didn’t puke on him.” 
Image result for vibrator on the bed“I learned the hard way that it’s not always a good thing to be adventurous in bed. My boyfriend and I were just getting warmed up, kissing and stuff and I decided to slide around from being on the bottom to being on top. But mid-slide I thought I would add a bit of what I thought was a sexy high kick. Well, it turned out he lifted his head up just as I was kicking and I ended up breaking his nose. There was blood everywhere and he kind of freaked out. Not a good end to our night.” 
“So I decided to buy a new vibrator and introduce it while me and this guy I was dating were in bed. I hadn’t tried it before he came over, but my friend had one and she swore by how amazing it was. But what I didn’t realize is that whatever type of rubber or plastic the thing was made out of caused me to break out in serious hives. Once we started using it, I realized I was really itchy and then all of a sudden I got all these lumps on the inside of my thighs, which kind of killed the mood, not to mention it was super-embarrassing.”
 "I once agreed to go home with a guy who I’d seen out a few times and always thought was pretty hot but we never actually dated. We were at a bar with a bunch of other people and he kind of singled me out and bought me a bunch of drinks. Since he seemed so into me, I decided to go with the flow. When I got to his place, I was surprised to find his wife there, ready for the two of us to jump into bed for a threesome. I know this would turn some people on, but I turned right around and left! I haven’t seen the guy since." I really wish to explore the more.

Image result for His mother caught me using a vibrator

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Will it be wrong, if my mum help me ask him to marry me?

My name is Feyisara (26), I was once accuse of snatching another woman's husband. well, I now have my own boyfriend Yinka. We have been together for 6 years now(though on and off), but we always come back together for some reasons,we've never broken up though. Just some silent months of ego feeding.

  Although He is kind,compassionate, helpful, mature, understands my needs but emotionally unavailable. And that hurts me so much.

For the period of 6years, I have never seen Yinka emotionally dependent on me and I believe no matter how much of a man you are, you should still have some soft moments you share with your woman Except and unless you are a rock.

   However, the main issue is that, he is just comfortable being single, or should I say not permanently attached. I have been hinting him, that I'm ready to be a wifey and I want to start my family already, he is financially stable,goes on vacation twice a year, so i know say money no be the problem. This same guy will always suck and squeeze my breast like orange and he will not cum without sucking my pussy. I allow him do all these to me, so why won't he just marry me once and for all?

I have been getting the urge to ask him directly,let me know before I make a U- turn. I know some people might say I am not his main chick, that is not the case here.

So my question is, can I get to ask him or get my parents to ask him, when he will be ready to take the relationship to the next level? He is in his mid thirties, age is not the issue.The problem is, I want to settle down instead of moving from one relationship or the other.