Saturday 22 October 2016

His mother caught me using a vibrator

I used to be very calm and reserved till I met a friend. Almost everyone we know has a hilarious, embarrassing or downright awful sex story up their sleeve. Whether it was a one-night stand gone wrong or a first time in the sack that left something to be desired, we’re taking a look at some of the funniest sex stories we’ve heard in a while. If you have one to add, make sure you leave us a comment! Here is my short sex story.
"I went home with this guy I met at a bar in college and he took me to what I thought was his house. I was pretty tipsy at this point so I didn’t really pay too much attention to where we were going or what the place looked like. It turned out he lived with his parents and while we were having sex on the couch and at the same time i was using my vibrator, they walked in and his mom screamed. I basically fell off the couch, grabbed what clothes I could find and ran out. I never did get my other sock back."
“I was so excited to go on a third date with this guy I really liked and figured this would be the night where we slept together. But I was also really nervous about it since I hadn’t been with a guy since my ex the year before, so I started drinking as soon as we got to the restaurant — and didn’t stop. By the time we got to his place and he was trying to get my bra off, I must have passed out in his bed! He was really sweet about it the next day and even teased me a bit, but my hangover combined with passing out on him really made me feel disgusting. At least I didn’t puke on him.” 
Image result for vibrator on the bed“I learned the hard way that it’s not always a good thing to be adventurous in bed. My boyfriend and I were just getting warmed up, kissing and stuff and I decided to slide around from being on the bottom to being on top. But mid-slide I thought I would add a bit of what I thought was a sexy high kick. Well, it turned out he lifted his head up just as I was kicking and I ended up breaking his nose. There was blood everywhere and he kind of freaked out. Not a good end to our night.” 
“So I decided to buy a new vibrator and introduce it while me and this guy I was dating were in bed. I hadn’t tried it before he came over, but my friend had one and she swore by how amazing it was. But what I didn’t realize is that whatever type of rubber or plastic the thing was made out of caused me to break out in serious hives. Once we started using it, I realized I was really itchy and then all of a sudden I got all these lumps on the inside of my thighs, which kind of killed the mood, not to mention it was super-embarrassing.”
 "I once agreed to go home with a guy who I’d seen out a few times and always thought was pretty hot but we never actually dated. We were at a bar with a bunch of other people and he kind of singled me out and bought me a bunch of drinks. Since he seemed so into me, I decided to go with the flow. When I got to his place, I was surprised to find his wife there, ready for the two of us to jump into bed for a threesome. I know this would turn some people on, but I turned right around and left! I haven’t seen the guy since." I really wish to explore the more.

Image result for His mother caught me using a vibrator

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Will it be wrong, if my mum help me ask him to marry me?

My name is Feyisara (26), I was once accuse of snatching another woman's husband. well, I now have my own boyfriend Yinka. We have been together for 6 years now(though on and off), but we always come back together for some reasons,we've never broken up though. Just some silent months of ego feeding.

  Although He is kind,compassionate, helpful, mature, understands my needs but emotionally unavailable. And that hurts me so much.

For the period of 6years, I have never seen Yinka emotionally dependent on me and I believe no matter how much of a man you are, you should still have some soft moments you share with your woman Except and unless you are a rock.

   However, the main issue is that, he is just comfortable being single, or should I say not permanently attached. I have been hinting him, that I'm ready to be a wifey and I want to start my family already, he is financially stable,goes on vacation twice a year, so i know say money no be the problem. This same guy will always suck and squeeze my breast like orange and he will not cum without sucking my pussy. I allow him do all these to me, so why won't he just marry me once and for all?

I have been getting the urge to ask him directly,let me know before I make a U- turn. I know some people might say I am not his main chick, that is not the case here.

So my question is, can I get to ask him or get my parents to ask him, when he will be ready to take the relationship to the next level? He is in his mid thirties, age is not the issue.The problem is, I want to settle down instead of moving from one relationship or the other.  

Thursday 19 May 2016

Tvc presenter Wale Fakile speaks out

Following the information spilled out from Linda Ikeji's blog on Thursday19th of May 2016, about a presenter on Television Continental, TVC, Wale Fakile, an easy going gentle man  who co-presents ‘Trends’ and the popular, ‘Question of the day’,allegedly involved in battery. Well I think he was wrongly accused hearing his part of the story. 

It is a given you don't judge from one end as there's always three sides of a story. ( The truth, yours and mine).

Now read Wale's exact words as he published on his Facebook wall.......‎
"I have read all the tirades and accusations levelled against me by Mandy Isaac on Social Media and for posterity and records purposes, I need to state my side of the story. Yes, it is true that we are friends but we stopped dating in June 2015.
However, we started talking again in December 2015.
Our last date was on Wednesday, May 16th, 2016 in my residence and in spite of Mandy telling me that she had stopped drinking, she requested for alcohol which I did not oblige her. However, I later found out that she had drank 2 cans of Vodka (picture below).
I went out to withdraw some money and she stepped out too,When I returned, she got back and accused me of talking to ladies and insisted she had to leave that night. I pleaded with her but she said she would leave and I gave her N2,000 as Transport fare.
In her semi-nude state, she flared up, demanded for N50,000 and called me unprintable names having taking possession of my phone.
Later, she went berserk and started destroying things in my house (See pictures below) before she started rolling herself on the floor.
I got a call the same night from a female police officer at Ketu Police Station (I was NEVER ARRESTED) who asked that I report at the station that night or the following morning. I could not go to the police station that night because it was already late (some minutes past 11:00pm) but I made sure that I got to the station as early as possible (8:00am).
To my surprise she never showed up even after my call at the station.
It is unfortunate that this happened to me but I am not only a responsible man but I also work in a responsible organisation that values and cherishes its publics.
This is a deliberate attempt to frame me and I call on investigative Journalists to go deeper than the story and either verify me or corroborate my claims".

Mandy’s post on Facebook reads: “I am Mandy, my supposed boyfriend that works with TVC, beat me yesterday to stupor with bruises all over and he said there is nothing Ican do about it because he is rich and workswith TVC and am poor.The case was said to have been reported to the Ministry of Women Affairs and the Management of TVC.

Now I have read the girl's story, I don't feel pity for her( my opinion) .....Why shouldn't your name be published ? if you could publish wales name and details for the world to see, then your name should be published.
I am an advocate for total respect of Women ... and I detest men who beat women.
As much as we condemn these kind of issues, we should also not support immoral act. ‎
We keep encouraging dumb arse girls who commit fornication in the name of Bf/Gf and snap rubbish pictures of bruises and post online... She covered her eyes but left her chest opened... 

I have absolutely no sympathy for this lady.‎
We should be very careful in rushing into Judging this kind of case.

In summary, men should try as much as possible to avoid such situation.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

I Have It All — So Why Am I Not Happy?‎ ‎

Rita Aju 
I used to spend long nights wide awake, wandering around our house, wondering what I was missing in my life. I blamed myself for feeling this way. How could I be ungrateful when I had it all—a beautiful family, a loving friend and an amazing career in journalism ?
I grew up with the conviction that my studies, my job, and my perfect future family would make me happy. I gave my all to becoming happy and successful. I made sure to be the best girlfriend, the best mom, and the best daughter I could be. I lived like a robot, trying hard to live up to my own and other's expectations. ‎
My story is not unique. We live in a world filled with demands and expectations—what’s right and wrong, good and bad, what will show success and not failure. There are many voices telling us what to wear, what to eat, how to exercise, whom to marry, and what we should achieve. Even our bodies are great targets for judgment. In our quest to fit in and do the right thing, we create stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and depression. Not feeling great, or even well, has become the norm or let's say daily practice for many.
Then I made an amazing discovery: I realized I had been living someone else’s life. Other people’s, Society's,  My family's,  Anyone's but not my own.
What was missing in my life wasn’t another promotion, a higher salary, or a more perfect man. What was missing was me.

I once read that, when you wake up, see the sunlight streaming through the window, not the wallpaper that needs fixing. When the familiar voice in your head says there’s something wrong with you or that you’re not good enough, just say to yourself, "Stop!" Then tell yourself, "I’m brilliant, just the way I am." Be your own cheerleader. I wish I can!‎

Today I no longer try to fit in or be perfect. I had lived so much life based on what other people expected that I didn’t even know what was true for me anymore.
I think al I need to do is create a life where I’m included—a life that's different, more joyful, and vibrant. 
Most people look for someone else to acknowledge them when they are not acknowledging themselves. In the past, what I really longed for was to be seen. To be validated. Today I know that only I—no one else—can give myself a sense of worth. 

Acknowledging that opens up the magical place I knew as a little girl, the magical place where everything is possible, because everything I need is within me, yes within me. But how can I get it out is my problem. #sadface. ‎

We’re all spiritually, emotionally, and physically aware beings. We pick up stuff from the world around us—and the result is that many of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions aren’t our own. Instead we pick them up in different conversations, situations, and motivations from those around us.
If you find yourself buying into a point of view that doesn’t feel right, ask yourself: Is this point of view mine? Did I buy into it somewhere along the line? Am I choosing what’s true for me or what everyone else is choosing?‎
Cut out those things that aren't working—and add the things and the people that make you happy. Sign up for that yoga class you never seem to have time for. Set aside a night to have dinner with friends who make you smile. Paint your office. Join groups. Go out dancing. Book that trip you've always wanted to go on. Take life so so, as m friend would say. Shake things up!
Most of us keep creating our lives more or less within our comfort zone. Repeating slightly different versions of past choices feels familiar and helps us predict the outcome. Even though this often means that we recreate undesirable and destructive situations, we imagine that stepping out of our comfort zone to try something new must be worse. What would you choose if you knew that was a lie?

What if there’s nothing wrong with me?

Instead of judging your body because you think it’s not thin enough to fit media-set expectations, try expressing your gratitude for its wisdom and its beauty, for all it’s done for you, for how it’s carried you through your life and still does.

Instead of judging yourself for being foolish, you might congratulate yourself for daring to choose something different, something you feel is right.

Friday 13 May 2016

I feel like I am trapped in my own mind

Rita Aju
It is dark in here, I could only see through my mind,it feels so long that I am trapped in my own prison can I walk out of the door with my legs. Can a man ever be happy again?  Struggle, anger, resentment, the midst of all these factions..Only me can help me.

Feeling trapped in your own mind is an unpleasant feeling and one many people with anxiety suffer with. I could give a list of why this is but in my opinion the main cause is the pondless thinking about ‘us’. If you think about the average person walking down the street, they will be thinking about the meal on Saturday, then the meeting at work later in the day, meeting friends for lunch, everything is outward, where as anxiety sufferes think mainly of themselves and how they are feeling, everything is inward, which causes many of the feelings of being trapped in your own mind.
I spent years thinking about me, worrying and trying to figure a way out of the way I felt, but this had the opposite effect and I began to feel more and more trapped and isolated. Of course I would feel trapped in my own mind, it makes sense to me now as I never let anything else in, the deep thinking about the way I felt and how to escape had sent me down a path where ‘anxiety’ had become me, I was so used to worrying and thinking that this became a habit, like a needle stuck in a record.

So what I needed to do was change this process and let other things into my day, live in the present and stop worrying about me, the past and the future, it was time to escape from my own mind, to unlock some doors and begin to live again. So I had to begin teach myself to live in the present. If I had to cook, then I would cook, I would not cook and worry about me anymore. If I went to the shop to buy some groceries then that is what I would do, I would not spend the whole walk thinking about how to escape from my anxiety. Of course the habit to think about me was there, I felt as though my mind was on me most of the day, but that was fine, that was a habit, this would thaw in time as long as I continued to practice this way.

Anyone who knows me will know I am not a big fan of forums, I really dislike them because again I think people become reliant on them, logging in everyday to talk and read about anxiety, day in day out and to be fair I see the same names there years later. I am anxiety free now but I am involved so much in the subject I do need to take a break from time to time, I need to have other things in my life and I make a conscious effort to play sport, to socialise, to go out riding my bike and other things. My week has many a focus and feels fresh and not bogged down with one subject.

So anxiety or not just try and add other things into your week, try not to worry so much, anxiety has a habit of making us think the worst and on finding an outlet things get magnified. Trust me once you take the anxiety away then you find it hard to worry, the need is just not there. This taught me a lot once I began to really make strides into my recovery. Before I would be in worry mode and think everything needed to be sorted out, worry about what people thought, worry about meeting someone, worry about how I was feeling, the whole cycle. But into my recovery I would have some really good weeks, almost anxiety free and the need to worry would not be there, I would smile at some of things that had me worrying the month before. The trick then was to realise that my anxiety magnified things and the next time anxiety reared its head I would just let everything go, it was not going to have me worrying, going over things trying to make things right, my anxiety was no longer going to send me down the road of worry, making me feel awful, the worrys were false anyway, caused by my anxiety needing an outlet. In time I actually became a master in letting things go, the more you practice the easier things get.

Feeling free of my own mind was a gradual process, it came in layers, the worry slowed, my mind became clearer and I felt alive again, free of myself. Below is a list of things that helped me overcome this feeling and what caused me to feel this way in the first place.
What caused it:

The deep thinking about my condition
Worrying about everything and anything
Not adding other things into my day, having no other focus but me

Things that helped me:

Getting out and socialising more, finding new hobbies, in my case it was redescovering my love for sport. In the early days I had to drag the old worrying me there, but I went for a swim, went cycling and just stopped sitting at home brooding about my situation. I trusted that in time my mind would regain its flexability, would welcome plenty of other things to focus on, become more flexible and in time it did. I would wake up and think about it being a nice day and about my bike ride, I would stop off for a drink and a sandwich, before I would wake up and think ‘Anxiety and how am I going to get rid of it’ to feel more real I had live more real was my motto.

Just living for that day. The first time I went running I was thinking how great I would feel, how my anxiety would improve and almost watching how I felt when I got back and being disapointed if I did not. Again I was doing things wrong, I was running to fix my anxiety and again doing two things at once, running and think
ing about me, instead of just being in the present and running. So the next time I went I thought I don’t care how I feel when I get back, if I feel great then brilliant, if not then o.k, that is not why I am running anymore and the run was far better. ‎

But sometimes I still feel like I am in my own prison.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

The Wicked Doctor

 It all started 30 years ago after my graduation. Got some money and opened my own hospital. 

Stanley is a handsome boy ‎I fell in love with. We got talking and eventually married. Stanley loves me but was still sleeping round with his colleagues and that bothered me a lot. It made me aggressive , I get angry easily, I was always alone and easily absent minded. 

Stanley would call me every now and then but I find it hard to believe he was cheating, till I got a call from his colleague Nasir Agba. 

 Nasir called to give ‎me the address of where he was heading to, (sharon's house). 

On this faithful Thursdays afternoon after receiving the cal from Nasir ‎, I set out to leave n then I got another call from my husband Stanley to check up on me. I still left the house for the address and when I got to the house, I saw my husband's company car. Still wasn't sure I went to a shop nearby to wait till I saw both of them coming out, the girl ( Sharon) seeing him off to the car with a parting kiss on his chick. 

I wasn't wrong after all. But he showed me so much care and immediately he called me again to say I should prepare his best soup and he talked of how he will fuck me like never be, how he will suck my clit knowing it's my best, he talked about squeezing my breast his best way after all he has paid for them. I answered his call without letting him know about my discovery. But I was hurting. This made me hostile and aggressive.

I would drink and smoke when Stanley went out. I smoked my favourite Strawberry shisha before going in for surgery. 

5 years later, I took in and had my son Bayo and couldn't bear another child because of series of abortions, Bayo was a miracle. I tried all I could for another child, all to no avail. We both tried to give Bayo the best life we could. 

Wait a minute I didn't tel you a great mistake I did the first week I opened my hospital.
One evening I saw a text message from Oluwatoyin ( another girl ) to Stanley, yeah yeah you should know the content but I didn't say a word to him. I went to a bar close to my hospital on Adeniran Ogunsanya surulere, Lagos to buy my normal flavour but this time they had chocolate flavoured Shi-sha.  Before I was done I got an emergency call to take d delivery of a Lady. 

Immediately I went, took her delivery but administered the wrong injection which took her life, disfigured the face of the twin girl but the boy was lucky. ( so stupid of me, the woman had a twin and I couldn't take a simple delivery) .

 Told the family the usual Doctor's language - 'we tried our best.' They took her corpse and the kids away. 

To cut the story of my life short. 

Stanley became my enemy - friend. We started quarrel‎ling and fighting because of the hidden hatred ‎I have had for my him. Till we separated. Unknown to me, my driver had been keeping tabs of my life and my activities.  

19 years later exactly April 3rd 6:43pm my son was brought to the hospital. He had a heart failure. I was depressed and couldn't do nothing to patient. Even when they needed my attention in the theatre, I would ask them to call another doctor from another hospital, all because I never left the presence of my son. ‎

I would cry day and night as his heart rate was deteriorating  and I didn't see anything I could do. The nurses came back to call me again to help the accident victim in the pool of his blood. Then I changed my mind to help. 

We tried all we could along with the other doctor that usually came in to help, yet we couldn't stop the bleeding, and we were loosing him gradually. One of the nurses in the theatre who was dating my son suggested that we should remove the boys heart to replace my sons since his chance of survival was slim. I declined but the other doctor agreed. Saying 'even though it is against our ethics, it is also a waste of resources'. ‎

This is because my son‎ needs functioning heart to survive and once this accident victim guy dies we loose his heart and my also loose my son. 
I thought for once that, what ethics am I here to protect at the detriment‎ of my sons life. It was then I took to their suggestions.  

I went to the reception to inform the family of the accident victim that their brother was dead. I couldn't stand the wailing. I left for the theatre. 

20 mins later I removed the heart of the young man and replaced it with my sons. And alas, he was back on his fit again. We became happy.  

Two months after the surgery, my son had me sit at d dinning with his fiancee ( my nurse) to quizle me as per how I was able to save his life.  ‎Nneka ( my nurse) narrated how we replaced his heart with another. He was impressed by our proactiveness to saving his life. 

Few weeks to their wedding, my son stumbled on a girl he almost hit with his car because she was walking on the road and thinking without looking. Bayo pitted her, took her to the house and they became friends and it was at that point my son realised that Nneka hardly have time for him ‎. 

It was obvious that Nneka spends most of her time in the hospital and unfortunately Bayo my son is finding solace in this new girl. Gradually they were getting too close, that you would think they have known for years. 

A friend tipped Nneka of Bayo's relationship with this new girl and so she sent female Thugs to deal with her at her home. Bayo on realising this relocated to another town with her ( the new girl).

Then he summoned the courage to tell me during a phone conversation that, he has found the one he loves and wants to marry. 

The news sounded like a bomb to me. 
I couldn't reach him again for months. We were all worried. Nneka couldn't concentrate neither could. 

My driver would see my cry every day and I never cared. All I wanted was my son back to me and Nneka. 

One afternoon, Mr Ismail ‎came to my sitting, asked for permission to talk. He started by saying, what an adult will see siting, a child cannot see it climbing a chair. 
He went ahead to say, he was aware of the heart transplant and he knows where my son was. Apparently they have been communicating. He said few weeks after my don met the new girl, she narrated her story to him and it was discovered that the accident victim was her twin brother. 

Woow, heart breaking for me. Now I am on a cross Road. 

It was my negligence that killed their mother, I disfigured her face with the wrong injection and I in turn killed her twin brother......

This is too much for me to handle. 
Do I bless their union or insist he comes home to marry his first love Nneka that contributed to saving his life? 

This is my dilemma. ‎


Friday 26 February 2016

My marriage about to crash

Please she needs our advice URGENTLY. ‎ Yemisi Balogun is my name, I am a married woman with 3 kids. This year june,  ‎we will be 5 years as husband and wife.  This whole 5 years has been full of acting for me. I met Niran through a friend of his. As at that time, Niran was based in Cairo while I was in Nigeria.  We got talking on Skype, Facebook and Yahoo messenger even phone calls. I wasn’t into any relationship then but Niran had a girlfriend, she was also based in Nigeria just like me. 

 Niran said so many sweet things about Olivia. He told me Olivia was the oldest woman in his life aside his mother.  They are childhood friends which later grew to love. Niran is 6 years older than Olivia.‎ I am 3 years older than her too. 

 According to Niran, he watched her grow from a girl to a woman but were later separated when he had to travel to Cairo. It was so obvious hes loved Olivia so much because whenever we chat or call, he must surely mention her name. 

 We exchanged pictures, Niran is just too handsome and that attracted me to him more. I started having feelings for him. I so much hoped to be the lucky woman in his life.  Despite his olivia this and Olivia that talk, I didn’t let that push me away from him because naturally he was a good guy , I loved him and I believed he loves me too.

I got addicted to his calls and chat. When Niran was ready to settle down, he proposed to olivia through the phone but she turned him down.  Niran was so down. During our chat he told me that olivia turned down his proposal reason because she wasn’t ready for marriage. He explained to me that she was the ambitious type. She was too hardworking and she is bent on being successful. Niran as at that time was just an hustler without a job in Cairo.

 He said Olivia was worried that they don’t have the money yet to settle down and they need to work more. I did my best to console him.   He tried to get a job  but things were so difficult over there and he refused yielding to my advise to come back to Nigeria. He waited for het till he got tired of waiting because he wasn’t getting any younger. Olivia was busy with her career pursuit while I was waiting for Niran to start something with me. Olivia wasn’t ready, I was ready.

 Niran and I started a relationship. I was so happy that I had a boyfriend even though in my heart he was already a boyfriend unknown to him. Niran and I went straight to the point. We didn’t beat round the bush. Please note here that he was still chatting and calling Olivia. I know because he does tell me but I act not to be jealous because he hates jealousy.  We talked about marriage but he was financially handicapped.

Niran was in Cairo and I in Nigeria, if there was going to be any marriage, he will have to come to Nigeria which the money for all that wasn’t available. So I saved up and even borrowed money from my corporative, I bought him flight ticket to Nigeria.  Before then, I had told my parents and siblings that my fiancé was coming to Nigeria. When Niran came to Nigeria, he stayed at his friends house since he had no family house in lagos. He visited my parents and he also visited Olivia at her parents house too.  Since he was around, my mom brought the idea of Niran and I having an introduction/engagement ceremony before he returns back to Cairo.

I discussed it with Niran, he didn’t say No. So my family sponsored 90% of it all. Niran's friends handled the rest 10%, remember he was broke then. It was just a manageable small parlor celebration and we went to the registry to seal it up.  Some of his family came around but not all. All this while we were planning, he didn’t inform Olivia. I told him to inform her but he refused. So I kept mute about it and waved it off.  After ceremony, I was supposed to move to my husband's house but there was no house so I remained in my fathers house.

I didn’t want to be called iyawo naija so I begged my mom to give me money to process a visa to go to Cairo with him. She reasoned with me. I got myself a visa and ticket, went with Niran to Cairo. Still he didn’t inform Olivia. Even after the marriage, he was still chatting, calling and exchanging pictures with her. I couldn’t do anything. I was powerless because he already told me before getting married time without number that Olivia was his life and that after his mother, it’s her. I felt guilty that he told me then, I didn’t do anything about it so why now. I thought after getting married, things will change.

 I quickly rushed having children believing having a family will distract him from Olivia and will make him love me more but till now It is not so. I quickly made new friends who happens to be Niran's friends in Cairo.  I Attend church programs regular and was regarded as Mrs… among his female friends. Years passed, my husband no job but kept on doing petty business to survive. I on the other hand couldn’t work because I had no legal permit to work in Cairo. My visa got expired and he couldn’t renew it. My kids and I got stranded.

We could not travel out of Cairo. No money for all that. We kept on managing. After a while, I noticed my husband no longer chats with Olivia his chats reduced. I found out from him what happened, he told me Olivia found out he got married. He didn’t tell her but his friend did.  Olivia stopped talking to my husband.  He apologized but she wouldn’t listen. That was when I started snooping. I was happy that at last I was getting my husband back. I snooped virtually everyday to know what was happening in their lives and I would pretend to be so sorry for him because he couldn’t sleep or eat.

 Reading the part where he tells her that she was the mother of his kids and his only love… aches me most but I pretended all was well. When olivia found out of our marriage together, I was pregnant for my first child.  For months my husband and olivia never communicated.

Those months I enjoyed him, there was no distraction, No mid night call or chats etc. I got his full attention. Those moments were fun. After the delivery of my first child even though we had no money for celebration because all went on hospital expenses but I was still glad I had a family of my own. 

Some months after the delivery of my first child, my husband Niran came home one day to tell me that Olivia put to birth a baby boy. I was surprised and then happy at the same time that she had moved on with her life. He didn’t look happy and I never bothered asking. I started snooping again to get the full gist.  I found out in their chat that Olivia had her boy out of wedlock. I saw munched chats of some persons.

She gave out her virginity and got pregnant. She was in big distress and my husband couldn’t leave her alone in time of her problem.  The father of Olivia’s child was abusive and never catered for his son. The little money Niran had, he sends to her to cater for her boy. Niran and Olivia started talking again, this time stronger than before. I kept on snooping and pretending all was well even with the heart ache I get after reading their chats.

 So many things are happening now and I fear things might fall apart in my marriage which I don’t want. He calls and chats her 24/7 even mid nights. Sometimes I leave him in the living room chatting with Olivia‎ . He communicates with her parents almost everyday. Its either he calls or they call to say hello. Whenever him and Olivia  have misunderstanding and not in talking terms, he will be so moody. He wont eat or sleep so I would know something is wrong again between him and her.   Even his friends  are not left out. His friends regards Olivia as his woman even at her after 1 state. Most times when I snoop, I will cry and cry and pretend to be strong.

 ‎  I did all this for 5 years and I am afraid it will continue like this if I must remain married to him and I don’t want a broken home or my children separated from their father. I have never for once ask him questions about olivia.  Whenever he tells me sweet things at our private moment, I am always tempted to ask how true he is to me but I cant. I once read the part where he told her that the only two women in his life is myself and her. How could he be loving me and at the same time love her?

 Is it possible? I cant ask him all these questions. He hates jealousy and most importantly, I am not the nagging type. I hate nagging and arguments.  So whenever he is calling, chatting and smiling or laughing with her, I strictly mind my business or play along.  I have been minding my business for 5 years!  Olivia is now successful. Her hard work has finally paid her. She  gave him  money to process my legal permit documents and that of the kids meaning we can now travel to Nigeria.

He that couldn’t travel to Nigeria because of no money now travels to Nigeria once in 2 months. He calls it business trips. Olivia got herself a luxury apartment which he is aware of. As a matter of fact, his friend in lagos assisted her in purchasing the flat. I saw all that in the chat.  Whenever he is preparing to go to Nigeria, he usually give me money to buy Olivia’s son cloths, shoes and toys while he buys her cloth himself except for some that he feels he might not get her size, he will ask me to buy especially her under wears.  Whenever he is coming back to Cairo, she goes to the market to buy my kids provisions and buy me Nigeria food stuff. Hmmm  its stupid but what can I do?

Niran and olivia lives together whenever he is in Nigeria. I am aware, he tells me before leaving. When he arrives at lagos airport, he calls me using olivia’s phone.  Sometimes, I pretend to say let me say hello to her but he wont give her the phone and I would pretend to say greet her for me. During his stay in Nigeria, I try as much as I can to take my mind away from what could be happening with him and her especially at nights. I don’t want to die of HBP. My children are still young. ‎

Just last week, I caught him video chatting while having his bath. He quickly turned it off but I did as if I wasn’t bothered. After all they live together in Nigeria so he cant tell me he never had sex with her even he never discussed it and I never bothered to ask.  After that incident, I snooped and found out that him and olivia had been exchanging nude pictures and shower videos. Even he told her that he was missing her boobs and lips. He calls her so many sweet names. So many sweet messages, romantic pictures together that anyone will mistake them for a couple.  What baffles me most is, he tells me they are just best friends. Is that true? 

This whole thing is now extending to his relative and friends. His friends in Nigeria considers olivia as his woman.  She now visit his parents and relation in his home town. She gives them money. I found out that some of his friends got jobs in different company through olivia’s connection. He told me that himself and I pretended to be happy and not to be jealous. My marriage is shaking. Does he really love me or he loves me but I love him more? I am a beautiful woman, I am not the dirty type.

I am obedient and very submissive. Should I just keep pretending and acting to be happy? Is it possible for a man to love 2 women as he claims to love just olivia and myself?  He has said that so many time before we got married even till now. After marriage and having 3 children, I thought he will break up with her and accept destiny as it is but such never happened instead he keeps telling her in his chat that she is his forever and no one can stop it not even I his wife because he told me before we got married that they are inseparable.

 She calls my children her children and he is ok with it.  She even pleads on their behalf sometimes. Please I am not yet dead. I am still alive, why should he feel comfortable with Olivia calling my children hers. Its obvious he adopted Olivia’s son as his. He had played a father role to the boy even till now.

Why should he? He is not his biological father and I have seen the boy father’s picture on his phone before.  Sometimes when Niran my husband is in the living room with our children, he video call Olivia and he will call my children to say hello to mummy and she respond and even her son says hello to my children.  My children now ask me of Olivia’s son. They tell me to switch on my phone  video that they want to talk to her son through the video, I will just smile and tell them to go to their father.

  Sometimes I want to see Olivia as his side chick but I am afraid this is becoming more than a side chick. I am beginning to feel soon she will be his first wife and if I don’t act fast, he will marry Olivia .  I have prayed and fasted. Should I tell my mom, sisters or church pastor? please note that Niran and I barely fight. We don’t keep malice. He doesn’t smoke, drink alcohol or womanize. I believe Olivia is the only woman he has ever cheat on me with and I can prove it. He does not stay out late or sleep outside except if he isn’t in Cairo. We both go out with the children on a date. He is a loving husband and father with a good heart.

 My only problem with him is olivia and Olivia only. I fear the moment I begin to react to him attitude towards olivia, my home will be shattered and I will loose him completely. I love my husband dearly and I don’t want to ever loose him. Please what do I do? I need your advise  urgently as its beginning to weigh me down. I am so sorry for my long epistle, I want you to understand my ordeal.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

RIRI EYE: Learnt the sweet hard way 3

RIRI EYE: Learnt the sweet hard way 3: Obediently i crossed the small space that separated us and helped him with his singlet. Then, at his indication, i dropped to my knees to r...

Learnt the sweet hard way 3

Obediently i crossed the small space that separated us and helped him with his singlet. Then, at his indication, i dropped to my knees to remove his shoes and socks. After his belt was unbuckled, pants were undone, he raised up off the cushion and i pulled them off too. When he was also down to only his underpants i knelt before him, lightly caressing his thigh, then my eyes on his crotch and his hidden, semi-erect cock. Mhen him gather o, so he slides his tongue across my lips. ‎

Wale, "You belong to me now Oyin. This body is mine now, your pussy belongs to only me now." he paused, "Do you understand!?"‎

I‎ nodded and our lips met. We kissed gently connecting and parting several times before joining and holding. Our tongues slid past our lips to swirl against each other. Without breaking the passionate kiss, we slowly stood up, pressing our flesh together. He stood a foot taller than me and so i lifted up on my toes. I then mashed my breasts against him, felt him rubbing his growing member against mine. Moments later we broke the kiss to move onto the bed. He had me lie on my stomach, my ass curving up, then the small of my back dipping down. So I slightly parted my legs for correct finger job or maybe penetration. He laid next to me, his fingers lightly dancing across my back. ( but why is this guy delaying th is thing now) 

He kissed my shoulder,( as if that's what I want,mmtcheeeww) his lips pressing gently to my flesh. I had to put my self in the mood again. A warmth flowed through me. Sighing, i closed my eyes, allowed my head to settle heavier onto his crossed arms. 

For several long minutes his fingers danced across my flesh, slipping over and over my back, dipping down along my sides, tracing my ribs and the indent of my waist. His fingers slid down across my lower back, then up onto my panties. 
He re positioned himself so that his fingers could reach further down along my body, down onto my legs. This also allowed him to kiss further down my back. The action added to the heat building inside of me. His fingers tickled their way down both my legs, caressing my thighs.  Our lips met again, I wrapped my arms around him, tried to pull him down close to me. But he refused, keeping his body suspended inches above mine. ‎

"Just lay back and enjoy it," he instructed me. ‎‎
His fingers danced again, this time across the front of my torso. My abs quivered under his delicate touch. His lips and tongue became busy again as well, nibbling at my neck and kissing the flesh of my upper chest. 

His lips brushed at the flesh swelling out from under my black bra then slowly worked down to where they could trace the top edge of my panties. He added a third attack then, his teeth nipping at my flesh with quick, sharp tugs. His fingers moved to my inner thighs, dancing and playing across my skin, drawing little circles mere centimeters from the bottom edge of my panties again‎
"Are you enjoying this?" He asked me, looking down into my eyes.

"Mm-hmm," i nodded, returning his gaze.

"Lift up," he whispered, his hand coming up from my thigh to pull at my shoulder.

His fingers dipped between my legs, returning to their caresses at the edge of my panties. This time when his mouth moved across my chest it had no guide to follow and so he kissed and licked my exposed breasts; first one, then the other. Working inward from the outer edge of each fleshy mound he moved even closer toward the nipple, getting nearer and nearer to the swollen nub with each pass. Each time he neared one of the delicate tips, my chest would lift, offering it to him. But then he would pass it by, his lips and tongue moving away to approach the other. ( I hate this slow motion) 

 Finally his mouth did close upon one, covering the hard nub with its wet embrace. He suckled lightly upon the breast, his tongue swirling across my nipple. I moaned, started speaking in tongues., my legs now spread  wide, the n I moved my hips a bit for him. At first he kept it from happening, his fingers caressing my inner thigh, tickling my flesh, ‎his fingers pressing at my pussy under it, the heel of his palm bumping against my clit. I moaned loudly. 

Oyinlola, " I Hunger to feed on your flesh already".

Wale, "You're really enjoying this,".  He snickered, leaning up to look at me once more.

Oyinlola, "You're wicked Wale, see how you tease me for so long."‎

Wale, "It's fun" , "Roll back over, I want to play with your ass."‎

"Mmmm," guy I am not here for play, I turned my back an d face him my hips he kissed it n deeper his last finger inside my......‎. As i moved to re-situate myself he dropped forward again, his face diving between my legs, his tongue attacking her clit.

"Oh," i moaned louder , my hands grabbed at the back of his head, my hips bucking upwards.‎

"Oh Lord yes,"yes, you are getting it, yes please don't stop, I kept on and on. "God yes."

He closed his teeth on my clit, gently held it between them while his tongue moving faster back and forth.‎
"Oh yes, yes," I  cried out over and over, my hands shoving his face into my crotch.‎

"That felt good, didn't it?" He whispered.

I nodded weakly.

Wale, "Now your pussy's all wet and hungry. It wants something," his hand shifted and two of his fingers slid into me, he slowly began finger-fucking my pussy .

Wale, "You want my cock in you? You want me to fuck your wet, little pussy?"

Oyinlola, "already".‎

He pulled his fingers from me.‎‎

"You know I love your butt," he said. "Now roll back over, I want to see it bounce as I fuck you."

Filled by excitement i did as told, raising my ass to him on bent knees as if I want to pray, One of his hands held his cock in position and other hand pulled my cheek aside. the juice from my pussy could me enough to mix a salad, my pussy juices allowed easy penetration.
"I love your body, I love being nasty with you," he groaned. 

Hmmmmm at last, he jammed his cock back into my pussy. His hands grabbed my hips, and he started fucking me.  ‎
"Oh yes! Fuck me hard, fuck me deep. Oh Lward yes." i moaned, pushing my ass back onto his cock. 

"Oh yea," he agreed. "You like it. You like my cock in your hot little pussy? You love it when I fuck you?."

The growing rhythm had affected him. He felt his own climax nearing. He picked up momentum until he was no longer simply fucking my pussy, but pounding into it. His hands gripped my hips firmer, clamping down tightly.

Wale, "I'm going to cum in your pussy, I hope we make a baby tonight,"‎

Oyinlola. "Is this guy high"‎, Baby? 

He continued fucking so fast an d hard till he realised hus cum inside me. ‎

After that night, Wale was never suspicious of me again and i couldn't be happier. We now both had a high level of trust for eachother. Infact, sometimes, i would feel as if i made a huge mistake even though i would wave it off with denial. 
'We are getting married, what could go wrong?' 

Few days later, I began to have some strange feelings around me. It was as if someone was following me, especially at night. But i dismissed the feeling thinking it was all in my head. Wale, on the other hand stopped nagging at me, even when he saw me with a male friend, he wasn't bothered. When I told him about the competition in India in 2days time, with my male instructor, he didn't object. In the past, he would nag and complain but this time, he just said 'Okay' it felt weird to me sha, somehow i missed the jealous and controlling side of him. Truth was that he didn't trust me because he belived in me, but he trusted me because he knew i had no choice but to stay faithful considering what was at stake, my life! 

I and my instructor eventually made the trip and there was an ugly U-turn. Guess what happened?