Thursday 13 March 2014

Getting orgasm from writing ? Mine is a bit strange. IJEOMA RICHARDS

Fear of failure is what stops us more than anything , if you think of it a lot of the time we do have good ideas, but we are afraid of failing, But that is not the case of the young and beautiful lady Ijeoma Richards. …

She is a damsel and a book worm, was at continental broadcasting services ( TVC ) today for a life show, research was made on her and we realized the following from her.

Books are her greatest companion.  According to her , she read her first novel at primary two and by the time she was fully grown she had read about a thousand books. Although, she readily admits during this interview that she was penalized severally for reading too much by her mum while growing up. “Reading got me into trouble as a kid,” she says. “I was penalized severally by my mum.”
Interviewing her was like walking on a tight-rope. She was not only tight-lipped about her private life; she also declared that certain areas were off limits. “You can ask me about my books, I will tell you. But don’t go into my private life” she forewarned at the beginning of the session.

What inspired your love for writing?

I just love reading. I use to get penalized for reading by my mum while growing up. While I was growing up she would leave me in the kitchen and say, “Ijeoma look after the food on fire and make sure it doesn’t get burnt, if you think it’s going to burn call me,” but my naughty self will stay there while everything burns. So, on this basis I was penalized for reading as a kid. For me, reading has become a natural part of me.

Who were your early inspirations?

What can I say? In my own case, it’s chronic because I read everything that is printed. Everything I saw, I read. I even picked up papers from the ground. So, for my early inspiration, I can’t really begin to tell you right now.

Now that you are fully-grown, what kind of books do you read?
Now I’m choosy about what I read because when you see a badly written book it’s easy to know, after reading few pages because you get bored already.

Is your new book sex oriented?
No, there is no sex. It’s more about relationship between countries and what could happen if one nation doesn’t respect the other and stuffs like that. So, it has nothing to do with sex.
But sex is hot and selling.
I’m not talking about selling; there are different types of book and you could sell sex if you are so inclined. I’m not saying you can’t sell sex but that’s not what my book is about.
So you mean there is no sex at all in your book?
Not at all, not in this one. Those who have seen it and those who have read it have told me it’s awesome. Well, I hope it is. They said it’s wonderful, but that means you can have wonderful books without sex.

Who is your favourite author?

Right now when it comes to fiction there’s a man called Lee Child.
What about him?
I still get riveted by reading his books. A lot of books don’t give me that feeling these days. It’s hard now to get books that interest me. But I can read Lee’s book back to back. And now we have lots of good Nigerian authors
Like who and who?
I have read Odili Ujubuoghon. I read his book recently and he is an award winner, an NLG awardee.

Some people say they get orgasm from writing; do you also get orgasm from writing?

Getting orgasm from writing ? Mine is a bit strange . What I can say is that, my friend, my very close friend was surprised when she came to my bedroom to put on the TV in my bedroom and discover it worked.  She said she didn’t know it could work. For me, It’s that bad my TV could stay six months without coming on.  I could stay in the house for two months if I got a book, that is why i think mine is a bit strange.

So where do you intend going with your writing?

I intend to keep doing it. One thing I know is that in the next 100 year we are all going to be dead, nobody who is standing today will be alive in the next 100 years. Nobody will know you built this house, nobody knows who bought that land but we pick up books that are written by people who lived 200 years ago. So, that’s the kind of legacy I want to leave. I want people to read what I have written when I’m long gone and forgotten.

Is writing a book like childbirth?
I suppose so, in the sense that you write it and then it goes away and people use it, they translate it, you know, do other things and even reverence it without consulting you.

What’s the difference between child birth and giving birth to a new book?
I think the difference could be that you don’t have to have sex to write your book, do you? But if you want to have a baby, in most cases, you may have to do that.

So what do you do for a living?

I have a company that publishes and then I do the writing, editing as well for a lot of people.

Do you write based on personal experience?
I wouldn’t say so. If I bring up what you have written I couldn’t say all of them are personal. Sometimes, some people write a book and they give it a title after they have written it. I get a title and then I work from the title so I can’t be writing if I don’t know what I’m writing about. I think my inspiration gives me the title, I get a title and then with that title I go on. So, it’s not like I finish writing a book then I start thinking what do I call this book.

What is life like as a writer?

Very boring, you know about it. If you get locked up somewhere. It’s boring it’s not a career that you need company doing. It’s a very boring life but if you like it you like it, I’m that kind of person. I’m a bit of a loner and so it works for me.

How is your love life?

My love life? I will have to think about it and get back to you.

Where did you school, university I mean?

I had my first degree at Enugu State and I had my Masters from the University of Lagos. I actually studied business all through, surprising?

Does it pay to be a writer?

It pays enough to provide for me.

Do you have a life aside books?

Yes I do, I go to church. I have got friends that are writers too and so I meet with them. But mostly I read and write and I do what pays.  I edit for people too, I just finished editing a wonderful novel written by a friend of mine.

What’s your advice to Nigerian youths concerning reading?

They should read. I was at an event few months ago to speak on reading and I left heartbroken because there were a whole lot of students and I asked a question like who among you have read any book in the past three months nobody came out.  I wanted to cry. I think we shouldn’t blame them but the government. There are no libraries in schools.

What does it take to write a bestseller?

Well, what it takes to write a bestseller is to sit down and write it, you sit down and write it and if it becomes a bestseller good for you.

Are you saying achieving that is by luck?

I believe there is no luck in life.

Do you think you are a successful female  writer?

I am not there yet; I’m working towards that.

Are you successful in terms of income?

I am successful because I am happy and comfortable. I’m working hard and for me that is success. well done IJ as your friends will call you.

From Entertainment Express .


Anonymous said...

Riri she is not a known face. well the message sinks

Anonymous said...

she doesn't have to be a known face to pass a message or write a book. but i wounder why celebrities find it difficult to say their live histories.