Friday 20 December 2013

Duran Dies After Tweeting That She Worked 30 Hours Straight Business

Young Woman Dies After Tweeting That She Worked 30 Hours Straight
Duran's tweet before her death.Twitter Mita Duran

Mita Duran 24 worked as a copywriter in Indonesia, slipped into a coma on Sunday after tweeting that she had worked for 30 hours straight. She died not long after.

Duran often kept herself awake by drinking Kratingdaeng, better known as Thai Red Bull, writes Lee Moran at the New York Daily News, while working late into the night at Young & Rubicam, an ad agency owned by multinational advertising and public relations company WPP.

Duran's Twitter feed shows that she often tweeted about her heavy workload:
"Haven’t slept since Saturday and I have 30 more copy lines to go and a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon," she said on July 8.
"Sweetest sleep I've had in a long time. It's a shame I'm supposed to wake up uh, ONE HOUR earlier. Slept through 3 phone calls and 3 alarms!" she said on Nov. 14.
 what a pity Duran had to die this way. 

For us professionals - young and old - this is a cautionary tale to "know your limits. Corporations are free to go above and beyond the limits by working us like dogs, slashing jobs & salaries while earning record profits and attending to clients,handing CEOs multi-million dollar paychecks, installing cameras to monitor our every move, and every other transgression under the Sun - no cautionary reminder to observe the limits needed. The Lord is our strength.

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