Saturday 29 November 2014

Setting your boyfriend up ........DANGEROUS GAME

 Hi! My name is Lola.
I used my friend to set up my boyfriend to see if he'll cheat on me.
only gave Cassy his Blackberry PIN,
Now they've sent me a wedding IV. What am I ?

Any criticism you make will eventually be made against you. If you want to criticize others, be prepared to for them to scrutinize you. Judgement has a negative effect. The more you judge people the more you will be judged. You haven’t lived their life’s.
Be grateful, not arrogant for any abilities you may have that are better than someone else’s. A beautiful person becomes ugly when they put down those who are not like them. There is no one in this world who is not beautiful.

Lola does not believe or have faith in her boyfriend now she has been stepped upon , be wise these things happens everyday, don't be a victim.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Your Attitude is everything see how a 75-yr-old impregnates 13-yr old girl.

Your Attitude is Your Window to the World,
You're A Human Magnet; Make a Commitment and You'll Move Mountains,
Turn Your Problems into Opportunities; Your Words Blaze A Trail;
Stop Complaining; Associate with Positive People; Confront Your Fears and Grow.
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love;
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.
 CAN I SAY THIS OF MY COUNTRY? A country where a 75-yr-old impregnates a 13-yr old girl in Oyo and  says he's ready to marry her.
75 year old Pa Muse Alabi is now at the State Criminal Investigation Department of the Oyo State Police Command, for defilement of a 13-year-old girl allegedly committed by the old man, and which has resulted in pregnancy.
 It was said  that Pa Alabi was doing carpentry work for a lady that the victim was working for. The young girl seized the opportunity to tell Pa Alabi to build a safe for her. After giving her the safe, Pa Alabi now wooed the girl and she agreed to his proposal. After the first sexual intercourse they had he gave her N200. When she also demanded for a handset, he now gave her another N1,500 to buy i-tel phone.

Four days after, they made love again. Both times were in September this year. Pa Alabi admitted having sex with the girl and the paternity of the baby. He also agreed to marry her and take care of her and the baby when born. According to the man who lives at his family house at Oje area,
“I am a carpenter and I still work till the present time. I even take roofing jobs. I am very strong.I have two daughters and a son. My first wife gave birth to the female children but had to be taken away by her people when she developed mental illness. My second wife is the mother of the boy who is an SSS3 student but she has left for another man. Currently, I have no wife.” 
 So how does he satisfy his sexual needs when it looks as if he is very active?
“I don’t go looking for any woman. I usually have sex with any of the married women who like me and come to me for sex. This is not always though.”
 Speaking on how he came in contact with his victim, the elderly man said
: “I used to do carpentry work for her boss who sells tailoring materials. That was where I knew her. One day, she asked me to help her build a safe in which she could be keeping her money. When I finished it, I asked her to come to my shop for the safe late one evening and I gave it to her.
“She used to pass by my shop whenever she was going home and used to stop by to greet me. On a particular day, I expressed my interest in her and she promised to think about it.She later consented and on one of the days she stopped to say hello to me, we had sex when I had an urge. And it was mutual. About five days after the first time, we had sex again and she stopped coming.
“One day, she came to me and told me that her grandmother said she was pregnant. She stopped coming again and I didn’t see her again until policemen came to arrest me.”
When asked whether he knew that his action was in contravention of the law, Pa Muse replied that he didn’t know, describing the outcome of his relationship with the young girl as “an act of God”. He said:
 “Mistake has no master. I pray that God should forgive me.”
The suspect said he doesn’t use any sex performance enhancement drug before making love to a female
 “I don’t take any herbal drink for enhancement of sexual performance. They are alcoholic and I don’t take alcohol as a good Muslim. I observe my five-times-daily prayers faithfully.”
Pa Alabi said he was ready to take responsibility over the pregnant girl and the baby she is expecting.
 “I can take care of her adequately. I have a nephew who is a medical doctor and he has promised to help too,” he stated.
Your Attitude is Your Window to the World, i do not subscribe to Pa Alabi's ideology and the girl whom i don't see as victim has a long throat and wayward. parents should watch the kind of company their children keep and curtail their life style.

The Police Public Relations Officer, Olabisi Okuwobi-Ilobanafor however said that the suspect would be charged to court.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Reality or Impossible Dream? Effective Strategies for Achieving Success..........Rita aju

“…the more I look at my life as the fabric of my own choices, the easier it is to use all my energy to accomplish what I set out to do.”

How can you get into a sustainable mode of direct action without feeling like you have to torture yourself to get moving? What can you do to cross the barrier between merely thinking about what you want and actually making it happen? 

Do you believe that “having it all” is impossible? The desire to “have a life” outside MEDIA is driving increasing numbers of JOURNALIST to reconsider their careers. They are realizing that the more they trade off other meaningful aspects of life - relationships, significant interests, health - the emptier they feel so does other works of life.

You, too, may be realizing that even a big bank account doesn’t fill the void that results from ignoring other aspects of your life. And if you’re still trying to make your practice more lucrative, you probably wish you could do so without forfeiting your personal life.

1. Be Your Own Advocate
Advocate for yourself just like you will do for your clients.  
Do research, cite precedent, develop persuasive arguments, believe in your own rights and interests and prepare your best case, its not easy but we should try.

2. Be Bold in Taking on New Projects
I have noticed how some men i work with  eagerly accept assignments outside of their primary area of expertise. They simply assume they’ll fill in any information gaps as needed. 
 In the same vein the women is accept responsibilities without shivering or thinking of gender, The women “experts” of work/life balance follow the model of their male counterparts in this regard. So they are to accept opportunities and meet ethical responsibilities through research and consultation.

3. Say What You Can Do, Not What You Can’t
I know a Boss who says never say ' I AM SORRY ' but i will say to me , this is not correct.

When the “experts” of work/life balance know that they will not be able to meet a deadline at work because of a family commitment, they don’t say, “I’m sorry, I have to take my child to the doctor.” Instead, they reply, “I’d be happy to. I can get it to you by Monday. How will that be?” No apologies, no explanations - just a statement of what they can do.

4. Recognize the Inherent Gender Discrimination in Flexibility at the Expense of Career Advancement
According to Professor Joan Williams argues compellingly in her book, “Unbending Gender, ” (4) the “ideal worker norm” - i.e., i feel  someone who takes no time off for childbearing and childrearing, who works full time and puts in substantial overtime - is incompatible with women’s bodies and the fact that women still bear primary responsibility for childcare.

The women who “have it all” are unwilling to accept this norm and are willing to acknowledge that is discriminatory to be marginalized in a “mommy track.” They recognize that work/life balance is a political as well as a personal issue. These “experts” are involved with their local and national women’s bar associations. This enables them to recognize they are not alone, reduces their inclination to apologize for their determination to find professional success and a balanced life, and empowers them to work for institutional change.

5. Use Technology to Increase Your Availability
Many successful men have found that by using email, faxes and electronic research they are able to work from home. This allows them to be more available both at work and at home.
With this you will realize that you don't work more in the office.. But if you effectively set boundaries between work and home, this can prove an extremely useful strategy for you.

6. Know Your Own Worth
 I know one Adeola Babatunde Motivational speaker  who says if you dont blow your trumpet no one will do that for you. hmmmmm 
so in that case , You can’t persuade the powers that is to make efforts to retain you unless you believe you’re worth retaining. Take for example in the law firm .  Partners are notoriously stingy about providing positive feedback. Show work samples (deleting confidential information) to senior attorneys outside your firm. Let them affirm the excellence of your work and advise you on how to improve it. Talk to recruiters. Find out how marketable you are outside your firm. When you know there are other firms that would be eager to hire you, you can advocate for yourself with greater confidence that way you are near success.

RITA AJU encourages her self and friends

Everything we do in life is a choice.

And I think most of us realize that but what most people don’t seem to realize is that everything we don’t do in life is also a choice.

Every day we choose to do some things and to not do other things. Sometimes choosing not to do something is the wisest choice.

However, there is a huge difference between choosing not to do something and choosing to do nothing. Most people would like to change their life in one way or another.

 How about you? Are there areas of your life that you would like to change? What is stopping you? Anytime you want to, you can change your life, but just wanting to change is not enough. You must make a choice to change. Doing nothing and wishing things would change is the course most people choose. Consequently, nothing ever changes. I wish to start that change now . You too can begin a new....... I CARE .