Wednesday 29 January 2014


     AIDS is no longer perceived by the general public as a "crisis," and this is because everybody is now aware of the virus. As people live longer with this disease, the focus is on improving quality of life.
A loving, passionate, emotionally and physically satisfying sex life is not something that can be denied to us. It is a fundamental basis of our human nature, yes you can smile.  Many +/+ couples and even some +/- couples have chosen to practice unprotected sex within the context of a monogamous relationship, this is a big risk though.
This is a very personal choice for them, and comes from doing their own assessment of risk. For two HIV-positive people to have unprotected sex together, obviously the risk of transmitting HIV is not an issue, so the worry here would be more related to transmission of other STDs or "reinfection."

Whether or not a couple practices safer sex is not the issue at hand. What is most relevant, is that they have established a line of communication regarding HIV. The fact that they have disclosed their status to each other before engaging in sex, and educated themselves about their options, is what is most important.
Some people find it difficult to disclose their status to their partner and may also decide not to have sex with his/ her partner to avoid contact , shall we call it love or fear .
Some may even discriminate against you because of it. Discrimination within one's family or friends can really hurt. Discrimination at work can hurt, too, but it is also illegal.

 Sometimes it's easiest to first disclose to someone you know that already has it, like a friend or family member living with HIV or members of support group or someone who has disclosed another serious illness , that way your mind will be at rest that you are not alone in it.
Or if you don't know anyone living with HIV, or don't have access to a support group, calling an HIV hotline and telling an operator you have HIV can break the ice. They are used to these kinds of calls. I am sure they won't judge you; they will understand. They might even be willing to work with you, or just by listening, to help you find the language and courage to tell others

Remember, you don't have to tell everybody, only those who you trust and want or need to tell. Give yourself time to determine who these people are and how you want to tell them.

Not hiding your HIV status from doctors or other healthcare providers can help ensure that you get the most appropriate care, too. Disclosure can also reduce the risk of HIV transmission to others, and it can lead to better, healthier sexual relationships.
     Because of this HIV/AIDS saga some people have chosen to avoid the whole dating thing all together. Some are using Internet chat rooms, support groups, and dating sites 2go and co to meet others like themselves. This is one way to avoid the stress of disclosure and helps build a strong community of people who understand. But keep in mind, it is important in any situation to never assume someone's HIV status. Always talk about it before you have unprotected sex. In addition, don't expect that just because someone is also HIV positive that they will want to have unprotected sex with you.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

T.B. Joshua and homosexuality

Men who have sex with men are at increased risk of contracting HIV/AID, as well as other sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis.
To protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections: Get tested and have your partner tested.Use a condom or other protection,Be monogamous
Following the anti-gay bill signed into law by President Goodluck Jonathan Nigeria, the nation’s popular televangelist, T.B. Joshua addressed the issue of homosexuality during a live broadcast of his Sunday Service on his own television network, Emmanuel TV.

A young man by the name of Tedus visited T.B. Joshua’s church and was apparently delivered from a ‘demon’ which he claimed was the cause of his homosexual lifestyle.

T.B. Joshua addressed the issue saying,
“God loves sinners but hates sin. We should hate the act but not the people – because sinners can be delivered and changed. Sinners can be reformed since our battle is not against the flesh and blood but against the spirit beings that cause these acts”.
In his next sermon he should also include the health aspect of  homosexuality.

Monday 27 January 2014


Bad news for Maheeda , well that is only when she is in Lagos.
The Lagos State House of Assembly on Monday approved a bill which bans smoking in public.
P.M. News reports that offenders will be punished with a N10,000 fine, three months imprisonment or both.
Although legalization activists and many marijuana users believe smoking pot has no negative effects, scientific research indicates that marijuana use can cause many different health problems.
Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. When smoked, it begins to effect users almost immediately and can last for one to three hours. When it is eaten in food, such as baked in brownies and cookies, the effects take longer to begin, but usually last longer.

Loss of coordination and distortions in the sense of time, vision and hearing, sleepiness, reddening of the eyes, increased appetite and relaxed muscles. Heart rate can speed up. In fact, in the first hour of smoking marijuana, a user’s risk of a heart attack could increase fivefold. School performance is reduced through impaired memory and lessened ability to solve problems.

Long-term Effects:

Long-term use can cause psychotic symptoms. It can also damage the lungs and the heart, worsen the symptoms of bronchitis and cause coughing and wheezing. It may reduce the body’s ability to fight lung infections and illness.

The bill prohibits smoking in all public places including libraries, museum, public toilets, schools, hospital, day care centers, public transportation and restaurants among others now in Lagos state.
Now any person who smokes in the presence of a child would be slapped with a N15,000 fine, imprisonment or both. So watch out and be ready to Slap and be slapped for free.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Eating Disorder can be treated and managed.

conceptual photo illustration of eating disorders

Lhola and other ladies are all conscious about how they look and that is great! This makes them aware of what they eat, and watch their weight.
Some of us however, are never satisfied. When weight watching is taken to extremes, it can lead to an intense fear of gaining or losing weight and a distorted body image. This means an average-sized person may look in a mirror and see a fat or very thin, ugly person. As a result, one may start to eat very less or more than required. Sometimes we binge (overeat, consuming very large quantities of food) and sometimes purge this food (by self inducing vomiting, over-exercising or using laxatives). Having this kind of relationship with the food we eat is what is called an eating disorder. Eating disorders affect a person’s physical and emotional health. They are an extremely dangerous illness and can be fatal if not treated.

We have Anorexia Nervosa , Bulimia disorder. A person with anorexia nervosa typically starves herself/himself to be skinny thus experiencing excessive weight loss. They may even take diet pills to control the hunger and convince everyone that they are not hungry.

While Bulimia, is characterized by habitual binge eating and purging. People with Bulimia eat even when they aren’t hungry and feel they have no control over their eating. Eating excessively makes them guilty and ashamed and so they try to get rid of the food by vomiting or exercising.
The continuous vomiting involved in bulimia can cause tears and severe inflammation of the esophagus, in addition to gastric disturbances, blood pressure problems, and erosion of the tooth enamel.
A person who has either anorexia or bulimia can experience dehydration and other medical complications. In more severe cases, it can also affect the brain and cause dizziness, fainting, agitation, confusion, inability to concentrate, and loss of memory.

In summary eating disorder is caused by a combination of many emotional, genetic and social factors. Characterized by feelings of helplessness, low self esteem, sadness and the need to be perfect even though no one is perfect, perhaps this is the only way some of us feel we can get some control over our lives. The media with its portrayal of skinny unrealistic models as the ‘in’ thing in fashion and beauty doesn’t help either.
The important thing to remember is that eating disorders are treatable and help is available. Just like Lhola a presenter who watched what she ate and drank and now she is proud of her looks in a way.

Physicians, counselors, psychologists and psychotherapist are all trained to address the underlying problems and help someone get better.
please send your questions to this email as usual




When growing up it’s normal to be curious about new things – especially if it seems like everyone else including your best friends are trying them out too! Cigarettes, drugs, Sheesha or alcohol can all seem like really cool and grown-up things to do. The Media plays an important role in influencing all of us – just look around and see how most of these are portrayed in movies and ads. The risk you will smoke, drink, get drunk and use illegal drugs increases sharply if you are stressed, frequently bored or have substantial amounts of spending money. What starts as a small experiment out of curiosity, or to look hip, soon becomes a habit. It is important to have as much information as possible to make healthy choices.                                                                                          

You may want to ask why you should quit, when Smoking makes you feel and look so hip and awesome.
Till the recent bans imposed on smoking at almost all public places,bustops,under the bridge, cigarette advertisements did really make it seem very attractive to smoke.

 But the fact is smoking kills! It can cause cancer, chronic lung diseases and heart disease. It can shorten your life span by 14 years, and adversely affect the people who care about you.
It is an addiction and anyone who is addicted to something needs help.
Our body is smart and it goes on the defense when it’s being poisoned, which is why many people find it takes several attempts to get to start smoking.
 For example, first-time smokers often feel pain or burning in the throat and lungs, and some people feel sick or even throw up the first few times they try it. First time drinkers also feel nauseous and may throw up.

Tobacco companies spend millions of dollars in advertising campaigns geared towards planting stylish images in our heads that smoking is a really cool thing to do. They have a profit to make out of our addiction! I know a girl Otibhor 17 who is addicted already, claims she got influenced by mere advert. So even if you don’t feel influenced by your friends, be careful of these clever advertising campaigns aimed at making you think its so cool to try out all these things.

What is the story on Nicotine? How does it affect my body?

The tobacco in cigarettes contains nicotine. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance like heroin and cocaine. Your body and mind become dependant on it and need it frequently just to make you feel good. There are no physical reasons to start smoking - the body doesn’t need nicotine the way it needs food, water, sleep, and exercise. In fact, chemicals like nicotine and cyanide are actually poisons that can kill if consumed in high doses.
The consequence of this poisoning happens gradually over time. Diseases like cancer, emphysema, organ damage and heart disease will limit a person’s ability to be normally active - and can be fatal. Each time a smoker lights up, that single cigarette takes about 5 to 20 minutes off the person’s life. Smoking also affects a man’s fertility and male smokers can experience a serious impact on their sexual health. Smoking is extremely harmful for women who are trying to conceive or are pregnant. The risk of breast cancer also shoots up for women who smoke. Only if these women can listen and adhere to this.

Why do people start smoking?

It could be because of Peer Pressure, or a desire to feel like an adult. Or perhaps someone in the family smoked and you wanted to try and see how it looked and felt.
Most people who start out young never really expect to get addicted, which is why it is so much easier not to start smoking at all. I think this is the case of Otibhor.

What are some of the problems smokers’ experience?

Some of these problems are bad skin, bad breath, bad-smelling clothes and hair, reduced athletic performance i.e. greater risk of injury and delayed healing time. Smoking affects the body’s ability to produce collagen- so common sports injuries, such as damage to tendons and ligaments, will heal more slowly in smokers than in nonsmokers. little wounder the piece of an advice after an advert                  '' the federal ministry of health warns that smokers are liable to die young ''


Stanley asked to know what the problem is and i decided to make research, here is my findings.
Do you know that What you see in porn movies, is not natural or normal these actors are probably taking some performance enhancing drugs, you have to remember that, it is a video made to stimulate others. Everything you see on such videos is choreographed to the degree of being mechanical.

I know Men are in general not happy with their penis size. Studies conducted suggest that 75% of men are not satisfied with the size of their penis. Here are the statistics so you can compare: According to a survey published in year 2000 in Straits Times (Singapore) the flaccid penile circumference in South Asian males ranges from 3.14 to 4.13 inches and the flaccid penile length ranges from 2.36 to 4.92 inches. The erect penile circumference range from 3.66 to 5.11 inches and the erect penile length ranges from 3.74 to 5.70 inches.

So Stanley, cold weather or swimming can cause a temporary shrinkage of two inches or more of your penis. Don't worry for it will come back to shape after some hours.To answer your other question. Of course, it’s true that some men have big penises and some have smaller ones, just as some men have small feet and some have big feet, but the measurement is not an index of virility.
Most people think that a tall man will usually have a large penis, but this is not entirely true.

Penises come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. These traits are hereditary, like eye color or foot size, and there’s nothing you can do to change them. Despite what you may hear or read, no special exercises, supplements, or diets will speed up the development process or change a man’s size. Also, like his feet, a man’s penis may appear smaller to him just because the perspective is different when he’s looking down. And there’s a lot less difference in penis size between men when they get an erection than when their penises are relaxed.

So in a nut shell, If you’re wondering about your physical development, don’t try to compare yourself to your older brother or your best friend they’re probably at a different stage of development than you are anyway. Your height or the size of your feet at a point has nothing to do with the size of your penis.

Follow this link for an explanatory picture.
Feel free to make your contributions or comments.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Manchester United won’t give up on title, vows Moyes

Manchester United manager David Moyes pledged not to “throw the towel in” despite his side falling 14 points off the pace in the Premier League following defeat at Chelsea.

Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho suggested that United’s title defence was effectively over after a hat-trick from Samuel Eto’o inspired the London club to a 3-1 win on Sunday, but Moyes said that his side would fight on.

“What we won’t do is throw the towel in until we can’t get there,” said Moyes, whose side replied through Javier Hernandez.

“The job’s to try and finish first and we’ll keep trying to do that. There’s no clever answers except, ‘Try and win the next game.’

“I think before today (Sunday), we came into it and we’d lost one game in the league in six — not a bad run.

“And I didn’t think there was a big difference in the teams today, I didn’t at all. The difference was two set-pieces and nothing else.”

United have now been beaten seven times in the league, having lost five games or fewer in each of the past three seasons, but Moyes said that he did not feel under any added pressure.

Asked how his confidence was holding up, the former Everton manager replied: “Fine. It’s a difficult task, but perseverance, keep doing what’s right — I thought we did a lot of good things today.

“We’ve got players to come back and this is a project where I know I’m going to improve as it goes along. There will be changes as we go along on the journey and I’m looking forward to it.

“It’s a massive challenge. I hoped I would be in a far better position than this, but I’m not, so the challenge is there for me. I think if you’re a football person, it’s a great one to have.”

Moyes was once again without injured first-choice strike pair Wayne Rooney and Robin van Persie, and when asked if they would return to training on Monday, he would only reply: “I hope so.”

Mourinho also has injury problems up front, after revealing that substitute Fernando Torres is likely to be out for “weeks” after injuring his knee in a late challenge.

United finished the game with 10 men after Nemanja Vidic was sent off for chopping down Eden Hazard, while Rafael da Silva was booked for a wild foul on Gary Cahill, but Mourinho expressed sympathy for both players.

“I think when players are frustrated, and it happens also to my players, things like this can happen,” he said.

“Hazard was running with the ball, Nemanja fell, I don’t know. Maybe it’s an orange card, I don’t know.

“The kid Rafael is just frustration, but I think the ref was good, Phil (Dowd) was good.”

Eto’o's deflected shot gave Chelsea a 17th-minute lead and he exploited what Moyes described as “terrible” defending at corners to complete his hat-trick with close-range strikes either side of half-time.

It was Mourinho’s 100th Premier League victory, almost 10 years after he saw Chelsea beat United 1-0 at Stamford Bridge in his first league game in English football.

The Portuguese, whose side trail leaders Arsenal by two points, praised his players for keeping their heads after United made a strong start to the match.

“The good thing for us is that my team in this moment is what I call a humble team — a team that can identify the moments of the game,” he said.

“When you’re better than your opponent, you have to go and try to kill the game. When the opponent is better than you, you have to identify that moment, you have to be humble, and you have to control the game.” What a pity.

I slept with young girls to elongate my stay on earth Ganiyu 71years

A 71-year-old serial rapist, identified as Alhaji Ganiyu has revealed that he sleeps with young girls to prolong his earthly sojourn.

Alhaji Ganiyu who is a hunter and a night guard was recently arrested for raping a seven-year-old primary one pupil, (name withheld) inside his one room apartment after luring her with biscuit. He was arrested by men of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), after the victim’s mother rushed to the security agency for help.

Giving his statement, Ganiyu admitted to the crime saying his actions were carried out so he’d live longer, adding that he regrets all his actions.

“I slept with young girls to elongate my stay on earth. That is all I need to extend my stay. It was not for ritual or money making as people are saying. All the same, I regret all my actions,” he said.

Meanwhile, parents and relatives in the area are now calling for thorough and prompt investigations into the suspect with a view to bringing him to book.

According to Daddy Fash, uncle of another raped girl, he suspect needed to be brought to book to serve as deterrent to other unknown rapists.

Another complainant said, “My daughter had once been a victim of this man and no one could say anything because the man is highly diabolical. His antics are well known to the people of the area but no one dared confront him. It is now that the whole world has seen what we have been suffering in silence over for a long time”.

He demanded that immediate and thorough investigation be carried out on the matter.

The spokesman for the NSCDC in the state said that the full investigation into the crime had commenced while efforts are on to apprehend the accomplice of Ganiyu who is now at large.What does he want on earth again at 71.

Thursday 16 January 2014


Donald Duke who was the Governor of Cross River State, Nigeria from 29 May 1999 to 29 May 2007. Has been praised for his contributions to the fields of agriculture, urban development, government, environment, information and communication, investment drive, and tourism. Through his work Calabar is seen as the "cleanest city in Nigeria."
Spearheading the incumbent debt of Nigeria, Duke pushed for democracy and against military control. He stated; "What got the military out of power was not democracy but the dreadful state of the economy. If we, the democratic government, cannot deliver food for the mass of people we can forget about democracy."
This is on a visit to Lagos for a talk show '' Your View '' which includes Yeni Kuti and the producer of the show Lukeman Musa.
However Duke mentioned that, it will be good for us to be nice to every one, and that is why i am slow to anger. I would have died if i am temperamental. Be good is the watch word ''
He created the idea of the Obudu Ranch International Mountain Race and the race grew to become one of the most lucrative mountain running competitions in the world under his stewardship.
Be good is really the watch word.